
International offices: strategic objectives

Strategic objectives for our international offices for 2022 to 2023.

The Scotland in China Network is a partnership between the Scottish Government and Scottish Development International, working towards strengthening Scotland’s political and economic, cultural and education, and social relationships with China. SDI and the Scottish Government have had a presence in China since 2003 and 2005 respectively.

As geopolitics has continued to evolve during 2022, Team Scotland in China is live to the challenge this presents to our work. While delivering on the opportunities presented in China, we will support partners across the public, private and third sectors in their due diligence approaches, seeking to mitigate risk where possible.

Throughout our engagement, we will exemplify Scottish values and promote Scotland's progressive social policy as a good global citizen

Priorities for 2022 to 2023

  • higher education and research - deliver a range of events to engage recruitment agents, potential joint venture partners and the Chinese Academies of Science to help them to understand Scotland's offer.
  • culture - promote Scotland's Festivals, mainstream, as well as niche and under-represented artists and art forms and strengthen partnerships with the British Council and other partners to enhance Scotland’s visibility in market when travel and traditional collaboration is not possible.
  • climate and biodiversity – continuing to promote Scotland’s climate leadership and advancing the aims of the Edinburgh Declaration on Biodiversity and outcomes and aspirations resulting from COP 26 in Glasgow,
  • at a time when travel to/from China is near impossible, collectively work with Visit Scotland and highlight our future travel ambitions, by sharing Scotland's thought-leadership on sustainable tourism and social enterprise/community involvement in tourism.
  • enhance Scotland's reputation as a global leader in technology and innovation, and demonstrate our willingness to collaborate with Chinese partners, in line with our values as a matter of principle.
  • trade - cement Scotland’s reputation as a global supplier of premium food & drink and grow exports of Scottish salmon and Scotch whisky to the China market, We will strengthen the resilience of our supply chain to mitigate the impact of future shocks such as those that have been presented through the Covid pandemic.
  • investment - while being mindful of national security implications and political sensitivities, we will welcome well-intentioned, vetted and proven Chinese investors to collaborate with Scottish businesses on ambitious capital projects that can help to transform the Scottish economy



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