
International offices: strategic objectives

Strategic objectives for our international offices for 2022 to 2023.

The Dublin office was established in early 2016 and provides dedicated support for building on the existing links between Ireland and Scotland.

The Dublin team is comprised of a Scottish Government Head of Office, a Deputy Head, two Scottish Development International trade and investment staff and a Cultural Diplomacy lead.

Priorities for 2022 to 2023

We will: 

  • strengthen networks and the bilateral relationship by increased outreach to diaspora and political contacts. Build new networks and foster cooperation in order to promote Scotland’s devolved interests in Ireland and open doors in priority sectors. In doing so, we will:
    • demonstrate to Irish stakeholders that Scotland values Ireland as a priority country for engagement, economically, politically and culturally. Use the bilateral framework to guide work in areas where there is scope to enhance policy collaboration, and ensure SG policy and priorities are known.
    • ​​​​​​​showcase where Scotland has a distinct approach to social and economic policy, such as the Wellbeing Economy, Just Transition, and a more inclusive, green recovery post-Covid
  • continued delivery of the Ireland Scotland Bilateral Review - increased cooperation is planned for work in the areas of island and rural communities, renewable energy, just transition and the CivTech public sector accelerator programme with the Western Development Commission in Ireland.
  • deliver a strong programme of events with a focus on Scotland’s Year Of Stories, exchange between students and young people, promoting Scottish performers, shared language interests, and sporting links; through which we can promote Scotland's reputation as a young, vibrant, diverse and creative society and support the work of Scottish artists and performers through a programme of events.
  • strengthen relationships in Ireland across our key sectors for trade - agritech, edtech, fintech, digital health, proptech and renewables - and identify key opportunities for investment.
  • in the context of A Trading Nation and the Trade Vision, support Scottish businesses to develop international trade and to maintain and develop new markets, specifically across the fintech, renewable energy, life science and digital health sectors
  • through lead generation and business development, attract high quality FDI and capital investment that reflects Scotland's values as a nation and will deliver better jobs and green growth in communities across Scotland.




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