
International offices: strategic objectives

Strategic objectives for our international offices for 2022 to 2023.

The Scottish Government’s office within the United States was established in 2001 and is based in the British Embassy in Washington. It is staffed by four Scottish Government employees.

Scottish Development International currently employs 34 staff across the broad range of trade and investment priorities within offices located in Chicago, Houston and San Jose together with staff working in other locations across the US.

Priorities for 2022 to 2023

  • people and policy: Caucus - aim to re-invigorate and re-establish the Congressional Caucus after the 2022 mid-terms. Grow and make this group more diverse by reaching out to Congresspeople who engaged with Scotland in policy terms at COP26, rather than relying on heritage or diaspora constituencies.
  • people and policy: Alumni - refreshing and diversifying our diaspora by engaging with alumni associations to develop a pipeline of alumni who have stronger links to Scotland and to SDI.
  • people and policy: COP26 - utilising the leverage and publicity from COP to engage with State level governments who have interests in renewables and green technology where Scotland has a competitive advantage (e.g. offshore wind).
  • trade and investment: Renewables and Green investment - highlight Scotland's strengths in these areas and leverage COP26 to help drive trade and investment in these sectors.
  • trade and investment: Increase our pipeline of space-related inward investment projects, given the USA is the primary target market for the Space Opportunity Area.
  • higher education and culture promotion - use the strengths of our diaspora to bring Scotland to the forefront of minds in the USA. This includes supporting significant cultural events such as Tartan Week, supporting inbound Scottish cultural delegations and events such as the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and Edinburgh International Festival, and using cultural levers to drive HE exchange through approaches such as scholarships, as well as promoting HE excellence by highlighting achievements and the attractiveness of the Scottish HE sector for students and businesses alike.
  • greater "Team Scotland" alignment - use new processes (including business planning) to ensure that we drive maximum value from our joint efforts across SG, SDI, VS and wider partners.



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