Minority ethnic women's experiences in Scotland 2024: intersectional evidence review

Explores evidence on the experiences of minority ethnic women living in Scotland as a route to examining the importance of intersectional analysis, plus the opportunities and challenges of taking an intersectional approach in data collection, analysis and reporting.

13. Annex 1: Glossary and Acronyms

Table 3 : Glossary and Acronyms
BME/BAME Black and minority ethnic/black and Asian minority ethnic. NOTE: In line with Scottish Government guidance, ‘Minority ethnic’ is preferred over terms such as ‘other ethnicities’, ‘ethnic minority’ or ‘BAME/BME’. This is because these terms can imply that minority ethnic individuals are a homogeneous group, or focus on the perceived ‘non-whiteness’ of the word ‘ethnic’, whereas several groups categorised as ‘White’ could be considered minority ethnic groups in certain contexts, including Irish, Polish and Gypsy/ Travellers.
Cost of Living A deterioration of economic conditions alongside a high rate of inflation in Scotland and the UK since early 2022 is now commonly referred to as the ‘cost of living crisis’.
Ethnicity There is no consensus about what constitutes an 'ethnic group'. Research shows that it means different things to different people, which can depend on the context or situation, and understanding of the term evolves over time. It encompasses aspects of identity, race, ancestry, history, culture, and it is very diverse.
Equality Evidence Finder The Equality Evidence Finder is an evidence dashboard maintained by the Scottish Government’s Equality Analysis Team and brings together the latest statistics and research for Scotland across different themes for age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and transgender status.
Equally Safe Strategy The Equally Safe Strategy sets out a vision to address violence against women and girls
FGM Female Genital Mutilation
Gender Gender expression is a person’s outward presentation of their gender identity. Gender identity is a person’s innate sense of their own gender. [Wording sourced from the Scottish Government Non-Binary Equality Action Plan Appendix 2 – Glossary of Terms]
GEI Gender Equality Index
Intersectionality Intersectionality is a concept which helps to make sense of how people’s experiences can be shaped by multiple interconnected social categories, and how the interaction of these social categories with systems and structures of power result in inequality
LFS Labour Force Survey
MA Modern Apprenticeships
Minority Ethnicity In line with Scottish Government guidance, ‘Minority ethnic’ is preferred over terms such as ‘other ethnicities’, ‘ethnic minority’ or ‘BAME/BME’. This is because these terms can imply that minority ethnic individuals are a homogeneous group, or focus on the perceived ‘non-whiteness’ of the word ‘ethnic’, whereas several groups categorised as ‘White’ could be considered minority ethnic groups in certain contexts, including Irish, Polish and Gypsy/ Travellers. Based on Scottish Government guidance, ‘Minority ethnic groups’ may include Mixed or multiple ethnic groups, Asian, Scottish Asian, or British Asian, African, Scottish African, or British African, Caribbean or Black, and other ethnic group. Additionally, this may include white minority ethnic groups such as Irish, Polish, and Gypsy Traveller. The White category can include White Scottish, and White Other British, as well as Irish, Polish, Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman/Showman, and other White ethnic group.
NACWG National Advisory Council on Women and Girls
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
ONS Office for National Statistics
Race Definition of race present in the Equality Act 2010 is colour, ethnicity, nationality and citizenship.
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
SSCQ The Scottish Surveys Core Questions (SSCQ) is an annual Official Statistics publication which harmonises responses from the three major Scottish Government household surveys, namely the Scottish Household Survey, the Scottish Health Survey and the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey.
SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
SME Small and medium-sized enterprise
VAWG Violence Against Women and Girls


Email: social-justice-analysis@gov.scot

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