Minority ethnic women's experiences in Scotland 2024: intersectional evidence review

Explores evidence on the experiences of minority ethnic women living in Scotland as a route to examining the importance of intersectional analysis, plus the opportunities and challenges of taking an intersectional approach in data collection, analysis and reporting.

14. Annex 2: Government Data Sources

The table below shows which Government and ONS data sources were reviewed for this report as well as which sources were able to provide intersectional data on sex and gender with ethnic grouping based on the National Performance Framework (NPF) and Gender Equality Index (GEI) indicators.

Table 4 : Government Data Sources, Availability, and Indicators
Data source Data availability NPF indicators included in this report NPF indicators not available GEI Indicators included in this report GEI indicators not available
Scotland’s Census 2022 At the time of writing this report, ethnic group population size was available by sex and age. No NPF indicators use this data source. No NPF indicators use this data source. No GEI indicators use this data source. No GEI indicators use this data source.
Scottish Household Survey Data was available upon request.
  • Access to green and blue space
  • Influence over local decisions
  • Loneliness
  • Perceptions of local area
  • Places to interact
  • Trust in public organisations
All requested NPF indicators based on this data source were available upon request. No GEI indicators were requested for this report. No GEI indicators were requested for this report.
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Data was available upon request.
  • Crime victimisation
  • Perceptions of local crime rate
  • Access to justice
All NPF indicators based on this data source were available upon request.
  • Feelings of safety
  • Partner abuse
  • Sexual assault
  • Stalking or harassment
All GEI indicators that were requested were available upon request.
Annual Population Survey, ONS Data for the NPF indicator ‘gender balance in organisations’ was available on the NPF website. Other data was available upon request.
  • Contractually secure work
  • Gender balance in organisations
All requested NPF indicators based on this data source were available upon request. No GEI indicators were requested for this report. No GEI indicators were requested for this report.
Scottish Health Survey Intersectional sex/gender and ethnicity data was not available at the time of producing this report due to the sample size of the survey and the small number of respondents in some ethnic groups. However, some results from this survey are included in the harmonised SSCQ statistics that were produced for this report. Data not available.
  • Food insecurity
  • Health risk behaviours
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Physical activity
  • Healthy weight
  • Child wellbeing & happiness
Data not available.
  • Health risk behaviours (current smoker, harmful drinking, low physical activity, obesity)
  • Life satisfaction
  • Mental wellbeing
Health and Care Experience survey Intersectional sex/gender and ethnicity data was not available at the time of producing this report. Data not available.
  • Quality of care experience, at national level and broken down by age, sex, disability, ethnicity, religion, SIMD and urban/rural classification.
Data not available.
  • Quality of care experience
  • Unmet care needs
Small Business Survey Scotland Intersectional sex/gender and ethnicity data was not available at the time of producing this report. While the survey asks if a business is “women-led” and “MEG-led” (i.e. the demographic makes up the majority of the leadership team), these cannot be combined for intersectionality purposes. For example, a business with 5 directors – 2 white women, 1 MEG woman and 2 MEG men – is both “women-led” and “MEG-led”, but not “MEG woman-led”. No NPF indicators use this data source. No NPF indicators use this data source. Data not available.
  • Women-led small and medium sized enterprises
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, ONS Intersectional sex/gender and ethnicity data was not available at the time of producing this report because the survey did not collect data on ethnicity. Data not available.
  • Employees on the living wage (proportion of employees earning less than the real living)
  • Pay gap
Data not available.
  • Median hourly pay, excluding overtime
  • Living Wage (% of employees earning the real Living Wage or more)


Email: social-justice-analysis@gov.scot

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