
Introduction of a UK - wide digital waste tracking system: partial business regulatory impact assessment

A business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) to assess the impact on Scotland of proposals to implement a UK-wide mandatory waste tracking system. This accompanies a UK-wide consultation on these proposals, available here:

3. Consultation

37. A Waste Tracking User Panel (1200 stakeholders with 450 operating across Scotland) has been consulted throughout the process of considering and developing a prototype system for digital waste tracking. Feedback from this user panel has informed this partial EQIA, and input from the user panel will continue to be used to develop the system, alongside feedback from a wider, public consultation in autumn 2021.

3.1 Within Government

38. The development of a UK-wide waste tracking system requires a joint approach, while respecting devolved powers. The governments (Scottish, UK, Welsh and Northern Irish Governments) and environmental regulators (SEPA, the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Northern Irish Environment Agency) have been working closely to develop a waste tracking that works well for all stakeholders.

39. The views and requirements of local authority stakeholders have also been elicited through the local authority representatives who are part of the Waste Tracking User Panel (which includes 17 Scottish local authorities and 63 others from across the UK). Further local authority stakeholders will be engaged more widely through the formal, written consultation process.

3.2 Public consultation

40. A formal UK-wide consultation is being conducted to present and seek thoughts on :

  • Accessing the data on the waste tracking system
  • Fees and charges
  • Exemptions and alternative requirements for digitally excluded persons
  • Offences and sanctions

41. The feedback will be used to review and refine the proposals which will then be reflected in secondary legislation and shape the digital design of the waste tracking service. We, therefore, do not intend to run further public consultations on the secondary legislation.

3.3 Business

42. The Waste Tracking User Panel (1200 stakeholders with 450 operating across Scotland) has been consulted throughout the process of considering and developing a prototype system for digital waste tracking. This panel includes a range of business stakeholders from across the waste sector as well as wider sectors. Engagement with the user panel has taken place through questionnaires, surveys, interviews, user research workshops and discussions, and written feedback as well as usability testing of prototypes.

43. However, further consultation with businesses will take place during and after the public consultation process. The form of engagement will depend on COVID-19 restrictions at the time, but it is expected that it will include virtual interviews and discussions, questionnaires, email correspondence; and possibly workshops.



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