
Introduction of a UK - wide digital waste tracking system: partial business regulatory impact assessment

A business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) to assess the impact on Scotland of proposals to implement a UK-wide mandatory waste tracking system. This accompanies a UK-wide consultation on these proposals, available here:

8. Summary

86. Waste tracking would help meet the objectives of multiple key government strategies across the UK by providing the data and the means to use that data. This goes beyond waste sector focused strategies into areas including climate change, economic productivity and growth and tackling crime.

87. The implementation of a waste tracking system will support our work to tackle climate change and move towards a circular economy by:

  • providing data to monitor progress towards key targets, including waste prevention by sector.
  • Providing better data on the volume, composition and destination of ‘waste’ to help identify opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Providing the data that businesses need to maximise resource utilisation and to identify and develop more efficient processes and products.
  • Providing better data on the movement of all waste allowing us to monitor progress against current and future targets and track material flows more efficiently.
  • Providing timely, more detailed and complete data and information on the generation and management of waste materials to support robust decision making in areas such as policy, regulation, planning and investment.



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