Investigating the prevalence of long COVID in Scotland

Data on the prevalence of long COVID in Scotland.

Future reporting of long COVID prevalence

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey (CIS) and the Winter Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Study (WCIS) have now ended.  

Public Health Scotland continue to monitor levels of respiratory infection, including COVID-19, using various sources of data, including laboratory test results from community and hospital settings and wastewater sampling. See Scotland's National Respiratory Surveillance Plan for more information.

Future estimates of long COVID prevalence in Scotland will use data from the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS), which continues to ask participants a number of questions related to long COVID. Breakdowns are published in relation to demographics and other data routinely collected by SHeS. Long COVID prevalence estimates from SHeS 2023 are expected to be published in November 2024.


For general enquiries:

Central Enquiry Unit



For enquiries about Scottish Government statistics:

Office of the Chief Statistician


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