
Investing in Communities Fund round two: final funding guidance

Investing in Communities Fund 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026: guidance note for applicants. The fund closed to applications on Tuesday 28 June 2022.



The fund closed to applications at 2pm on Tuesday 28 June 2022. See a list of approved awards.

This guidance will help applicants prepare and submit applications to the Investing in Communities Fund (ICF), which is a three year fund being delivered over the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026 providing grants of up to £350,000 in total over this funding period. The ICF is a revenue fund, also with availability of a small amount of capital funding of up to £20,000 per application for small scale capital costs, where this is directly linked to the revenue project. The value of the fund is expected to be approximately £10 million each year.

This multi-year fund covers the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026.

We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you are able to do so before this deadline. 

If you require the ICF application form or other supporting documents in an alternative format for accessibility reasons, please email the ICF mailbox so that we can explore alternative options with you. Please do not wait until after the fund opens for applications to contact us about this.

This guide provides further information on:



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