Investing in Scotland's Future: Resource Spending Review

The Resource Spending Review is a public finance document. It sets out the high-level parameters for resource spending to 2026-27 and outlines our high-level spending plans to deliver our Programme for Government and Bute House commitments.

Annex C: List of Figures, Tables, and Boxes

Figure 1: Change (%) in real household disposable income per person

Figure 2: Trends in Scottish Government expenditure, 2016/17 - 2026/27

Figure 3: Number of total devolved public sector FTE since 2016-17

Table 1: Resource Spending Envelopes, £ million (current prices)

Table 2: Health and Social Care spending plans

Table 3: Social Justice, Housing, and Local Government spending plans

Table 4: Finance and Economy spending plans

Table 5: Education and Skills spending plans

Table 6: Justice and Veteran spending plans

Table 7: Net Zero, Energy and Transport spending plans

Table 8: Rural Affairs and Islands spending plans

Table 9: Constitution, External Affairs and Culture spending plans

Table 10: Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery spending plans

Table 11: Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service spending plans

Table 12: Resource Funding envelope, £ million (current prices)

Table 13: Resource Funding envelope, £ million (real terms)

Table 14: Spending Envelopes, £ million (current prices).



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