
Water Industry - Scottish Government Investment Group - Development List performance progress report: quarter one 2023-2024

Report to ensure the water industry is developing a sufficient programme of investment to meet the objectives that Ministers set at the start and to address the needs on the ‘Development List’ up to the end of September 2023 (quarter 1 2023 to 2024).

4. Progress of the development of interventions with Level 1 and 2 appraisals

The purpose of this section is to provide:

  • An overview of the progress of interventions in Q1 that are subject to Level 1 and 2 appraisals[1]
  • Highlights from significant Level 1 or 2 project investment appraisals completed in the last quarter
  • A review of lessons learnt from the delivery of PIA forecast in the last quarter and a look ahead to the next quarter.
  • The full list of interventions with Level 1 and 2 appraisals, with an indication of the anticipated timing, is shown in Appendix C, which is an additional document to this paper.

Quarterly review of progress of appraisals

Good progress has been made in project level decision making within Q1:

  • 8 Project Investment Appraisal stages were completed within the quarter. This includes the addition to the forecast (1 or 5% of the initial demand).
  • 7 of 8 projects progressed through first time at Investment Group or through offline approval. These projects had a value of c.£113m.
  • 3 Project Investment Appraisal documents were shared with all sector stakeholders in July.

Highlights from project investment appraisals completed within the quarter are included in Table 1.

Table 1: Project Investment Appraisal Highlights

Bertha Park Growth - Stage 4, May 2023

Perth and Kinross Council have identified Perth as a centre for major housing and business growth. This development is already well underway to the west and north of Perth as a series of identified development packages. Existing housing developments have already resulted in Perth WWTW being loaded at 74,000PE, in excess of its 70,000PE design capacity. This growth will continue at an approximately linear rate through to 2045, at which time the Population Equivalent will be 108,500. Such significant expansion of Perth has required a holistic strategy to be developed so that water supply, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment and bio-resource treatment, are all capable of meeting the growth demand. The Stage 2 appraisal considered 4 options to address a number of needs for the Perth Area and formed the basis of an overall strategy to treat wastewater for the expanding city, and to ensure Perth WwTW could still operate as a sludge treatment hub for Perth and surrounding area. Two options were taken forward to Stage 3a and 3b appraisals:

  • Option 2: provision of a new WwTW at North Muirton
  • Option 4: upgrading Perth WwTW and reinforcing the network in Perth City Centre upstream of South Inch CSO

The recommended option was to upgrade Perth City WwTW (Option 4). Only minor changes to the scope occurred between Stage 3b and Stage 4, and Option 4 continues to be the basis of the recommendation to proceed.

RCI Newfield Pump Station to Broadmuir Trunk Main - Stage 4, June 2023

The existing 12” PVC Trunk Main from Peterhead (Newfield PS) to Ellon has been causing numerous high profile recurring interruptions to supply. Due to the reputational impact associated with these frequent pipe failures an operational plan is in place to effect repairs to this 25km long rural pipeline. In the region of 700 domestic customers are affected along with almost 50 non-domestic customers (including the key customer Brewdog). This is mitigated through partial short-term rezoning with all customers normally being back in water within a 4-to-6-hour period. In addition to the requirement to replace the water main to avoid on-going interruptions to supply, there is significant planned growth within the Ellon Corridor, including the supply of the Brewdog Brewery in Ellon. Our Strategic Plan sets out the objective to transform the interconnectivity of our major water supply systems to increase their resilience. Where there is an opportunity to size replacement transfer mains such as this, sizing should match available surplus raw water capacity, in this case 15Ml/d available at Forehill WTW which could be used to support the Invercannie / Mannofield system in the future. Therefore, this main has been sized to allow this future resilience flow, which can provide protection for up to 65,000 properties.

A review of lessons learnt from the delivery of PIA forecast in the last quarter.

An overview of the appraisals at Stage 2/3a/3b/4 that were forecast to be delivered during Q1 2023/24 and the appraisals delivered is shown in Table 3, Appendix A.

The purpose of Table 2 is to provide internal visibility to enable forward planning for Level 1 and 2 needs and to ensure enough work is being appraised to support the investment programme. It is not intended to be a fixed set of dates and the dates presented are the earliest that those will be achieved.

A target of c.50% of milestones to be achieved is set due to the dynamic nature of the programme. Although 8 PIAs were presented in line with the forecast, only 7 PIA stages were achieved as more work was requested for Turriff WTW. This is 33% of the initial forecast which is down from 49% in the previous quarter. There are two main themes driving the missed forecasts:

  • Repriorisation due to workload. This affected 29% (6) of the forecast projects which had forecasts adjusted to the following quarters in line with the dynamic programme. As an example, Blairlinnans and Milngavie Resilience was adjusted as the team were diverted to focus on managing the recent drought conditions across Scotland.
  • Scope and costing. This affected 19% (4) of the initial projects. This has been driven by awaiting Net Present Cost and Carbon (NPCC) assurance in some cases and at Torwood WwTW a review of an option due to a cost increase within the project.

Work to minimise the time associated with these activities in the last quarter is ongoing. However, the water teams are currently operating with fewer resources as a result of recent leavers and long-term absences. Recruitment to fill vacancies has proved challenging due to the limited number of suitable candidates and our framework consultancies also have limited resources available for secondment to support the optioneering activities in the short to medium term.

Benefits of improved project level decision making

Benefits of improved project level decision making are being tracked by the SIDM Programme as part of the Transformation metrics, assessing Tier 1 and 2 cost avoidance, NPCC and carbon.

Table 2: Appraisal at Stage 3a/b and 4 anticipated for Q1 compared to actuals.
Appraisal Portfolio
Stage Water Wastewater Customer Engagement and Flourishing Scotland/other
April 23 forecast July-23 actual April 23 forecast July-23 actual April 23 forecast July-23 actual
Stage 2: Strategic Optioneering Review (G40) 3 3 0 0 0 0
Stage 3a: Outline Investment Appraisal (G50) 1 0 3 0 0 0
Stage 3b: Outline Project Appraisal (G70) 5 1 2 1 0 0
Stage 4: Project Appraisal for Commitment (G80/90) 5 2 2 0 2 2

Projects reforecast by 12 months

In line with the dynamic programme a small number of projects have been reforecast by >12 months since the baseline forecast in April 2022. These are listed in Table 3 with the known consequences explained.

Table 3: Projects reforecast by >12 months
Project Name PIA Stage Original stage forecast dates (Sept-22) Current stage dates (Jul-23) Reason for the movement Implications
5055790000 SR21 Roberton WTW Stage 2 August ‘22 May ‘24 Plan-Prepare site – re-prioritised to allow delivery of appraisals for sites under enforcement by required dates. No impact on SR21 investment, WQ risk lower than others now prioritised for appraisal.
5094380000 SR21 Milngavie WTW Stage 2 October ‘22 May ‘25 Plan only site, accelerated for appraisal following issues with Leopold filter floor failures. Technical appraisal work to date has concluded repair and maintenance of floors should continue with appraisal of longer-term water quality risks de-prioritised to allow focus on higher priority sites. No impact on SR21 investment, WQ risk lower than others now prioritised for appraisal.
5101390000 SR21 Glendevon WTW Stage 3a July ‘22 October ‘23 Site added to programme following two WQ incidents, appraisal to date has identified interim controls that have been delivered on site have reduced immediate risk and allowing de-prioritisation and focus on higher priority sites. No impact on SR21 investment, WQ risk lower than others now prioritised for appraisal.
5118320000 SR21 Lomond Hills WTW Stage 2 Sept 23 Feb 24 Plan-Prepare site - re-prioritised to allow delivery of appraisals for sites under enforcement by required dates. May be re-prioritised following Leopold floor filter failures to appraise long term options. No impact on SR21 investment, WQ risk being reviewed following repair of filter floors.
5065100000 SR21 Stornoway WTW Stage 3a March ‘22 April ‘24 Plan-Prepare site – re-prioritised to allow delivery of appraisals for sites under enforcement by required dates. No impact on SR21 investment – higher priority to restart after Enforcement sites due to asset condition.
5045570000 SR21 ES Torra WTW Stage 3b September ‘22 November ‘23 Delivery team have been appraising technical choice of membrane (ceramic/spiral NF/tubular NF) close costs, carbon and benefits has taken longer to test rigorously. Now complete stage 3B expected in next Quarter. No impact on SR21 investment, links to delivery of Crathie WTW replacement project (514067), which will reuse the temporary NF treatment unit at Torra.
5072540000 SR21 Eela Water WTW Stage 3b September ‘22 September ‘23 Delivery team have been appraising technical choice of upgraded WTW against strategic replacement follow cost movements. Work complete option Stage 3b expected in next quarter. No impact on SR21 investment, WQ risks associated with operation of clarifier being mitigated with interim controls, medium term risk from clarifier and TWST structural condition should be manageable within timescales.
5029160000 EFOS – Riverside Road Galson Stage3a July ‘22 October ‘23 New information on a nearby flooding cluster which required further investigation - additional properties investigated to be added to the At-Risk Register (ARR). Additional customer interviews, surveys undertaken to establish At Risk Register (ARR) risk and reworking of the preferred solution required including additional modelling.
5027620000 Eastern Stirling Villages - Growth Stage 3a June ‘22 August ‘23 Further Optioneering - Short to medium term growth is being accommodated by optimisations at Plean and temporary treatment at Cowie – delivered under a sub project. Costs are being re-assessed to understand when the right time is to invest in a centralised WwTW vs. continual refurbishment of existing assets. The key growth development, Durieshill, has shown no progress over the past year. Engagement with developer to establish likely build out / timescales is ongoing.
5032120000 Skellyton WwTW – Growth Stage 3a June ‘22 February ‘25 Further Optioneering – RCA required and confirmation of Formula A from SEPA. Variation licence may be suitable. Opportunity for solution to be a no build if licence variation is accepted by SEPA.

Forecast for 23/24

The forecast for 23/24 is shown below (Table 4).

Table 4: Forecast of project appraisals at each gateway to be delivered during the following quarters of 23/24
2023/2024 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Stage 2 Strategic Options Review (G40) 1-3 4-8 3-6 6-11
Stage 3a Outline Investment Appraisal (G50) 2-4 5-10 5-10 6-12
Stage 3b Outline Project Appraisal (G70) 0-1 6-11 7-14 8-15
Stage 4 Project Appraisal for Commitment (G80) 1-2 5-9 3-6 5-10



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