Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group (IPPG) report: quarter 3 2021 to 2022

Report summarising Scottish Water's progress in developing interventions to address Needs in the third quarter of 2021 to 2022.

Annex B – Summary of Management Approach Reviews

a) Management approaches currently under review
Portfolio MA Ref Management Approach
Combined MA018 Ironworks (Water and Wastewater)
Water MA001 Recurring Customer Interruptions to Supply (Water)
Wastewater MA026 Enabling Development - Wastewater Portfolio
Combined MA027 Energy Efficiency (Water and Wastewater)
Water MA070 Improve Pressure – Properties with Persistent Low Pressures
CE&FS MA032 Enable Economic Growth Infrastructure Funding
Wastewater MA035 Wastewater Outfalls
Wastewater MA084 Wastewater Treatment Works Improvements
b) Management approaches to be reviewed in next 6 months
Portfolio MA Ref Management Approach MA review date
Wastewater MA024 Sludge Treatment Centres Apr-2022
Water MA060 Distribution Infrastructure - Network Valves Apr-2022
Water MA073 Distribution Infrastructure - Metering and Flow Monitoring Apr-2022
Water MA006 Water Treatment Capability Jun-2022
Water & Wastewater MA034 Customer Meters Jun-2022
Support Services MA071 Logistics (Vehicles) July-2022



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