
Investor Panel: Mobilising international capital to finance the transition to Net Zero

Large scale private capital investment is needed to enable Scotland’s just transition to net zero. The Investor Panel’s proposals will help to make Scotland a globally competitive investment destination. They include clear priorities, more agile decision making and upskilling Ministers and officials


  • We looked at the current environment within which infrastructure decisions are made and whether the overall landscape could be improved to better attract
    mobile capital
  • We also held confidential conversations with over 40 institutions, companies, advisers and individuals who are active in making infrastructure investments and, mostly, know Scotland
  • Our objective was to identify practices that have proved effective in other jurisdictions which could be adopted in Scotland
  • To build on our own experience and expertise we looked at two different jurisdictions which are widely regarded as doing this well, to see what lessons there might be for Scotland. These were Western Australia and the Republic of Ireland. Feedback was also received on practices followed in Portugal, Canada, Singapore and Norway
  • Conversations also took place with officials of the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Futures Trust and the Scottish National Investment Bank
  • Support for the Panel was also provided by the Universities of Edinburgh
    and Strathclyde



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