
Investor Panel: Mobilising international capital to finance the transition to Net Zero

Large scale private capital investment is needed to enable Scotland’s just transition to net zero. The Investor Panel’s proposals will help to make Scotland a globally competitive investment destination. They include clear priorities, more agile decision making and upskilling Ministers and officials

Characteristics of investor friendly destinations

Investors tell us that attractive investment destinations have some common characteristics:

  • The political atmosphere and posture is positive and encouraging towards private investment with knowledgeable and credible senior politicians and officials who invest time at the right level and in the right relationships
  • There are clearly-articulated, credible, long-term policies encompassing net zero targets and sector priorities
  • Policies favour a national approach to scale investments
  • Physical planning of critical infrastructure is prioritised and fast tracked
  • Government makes difficult decisions between competing policy objectives quickly and clearly
  • Government and public sector leadership is energetic, focussed, decisive and aligned
  • Investor relationship management is taken seriously and is regarded as a long-term exercise which requires a professional approach
  • It is clear to investors who they need to engage with and how
  • Infrastructure priorities that require government intervention are planned, shaped and costed: these form a pipeline, not a wish list
  • Government is sensitive to decisions which impact the risk, reward or timing of
    investments and any negative impact is communicated and where possible mitigated



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