
Net Zero - Investor Panel: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Net zero: Investor Panel.

The Panel met for the first time in December 2022 and agreed terms of reference.

  • the primary focus of the Panel will be to provide advice on how Scotland can attract global capital investment in the infrastructure required to transition to net zero
  • the panel may also wish to consider whether there is scope to consider how Scotland can attract capital investment to enable businesses to start, scale and grow
  • the panel will provide advice on current and future market opportunities to help improve Scotland’s performance in attracting mobile capital investment
  • advice will be based on market intelligence, individual and collective knowledge and expertise and engagement with key stakeholders and experts where appropriate
  • the panel will consider existing approaches and their quality, credibility and likely effectiveness in stimulating additional investment
  • the panel will provide market intelligence and experience of investing in Scottish, UK and international markets to support policy and regulatory development and help create the right landscape and conditions to attract capital investment
  • the panel may consider improvements to process barriers such as procurement, planning and consenting
  • advise on how to promote Scotland and its investment opportunities publicly across the Scottish, UK and international markets and investment communities
  • the panel will also consider the effectiveness of the existing landscape supporting infrastructure investment and innovation
  • to negate potential conflicts of interest members will not represent individual or organisational interests and the Panel will not assess the merit of individual projects and will have no decision making powers


Investor Panel

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