
Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group report: quarter 4 2021 to 2022

Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group (IPPG) report summarising Scottish Water's progress in developing interventions to address needs in the fourth quarter of 2021 to 2022.

Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group (IPPG)

Progress of Interventions to Meet the Needs on the Development List – Quarter 4 2021-22

This report sets out how Scottish Water is progressing in developing interventions to address the needs on the 'Development List' up to the end of March 2022 (Quarter 4 2021-22). It has been prepared for the Investment Planning and Prioritisation (IPPG), set up by Ministers to provide reassurance and report on the delivery of their Objectives.

What Is Monitored

The Development List contains named Needs and Needs associated with repair, refurbish and replacement activities.

Where interventions are forecast to exceed £3m or are novel or contentious, a Level 1 or 2 project investment appraisal is developed to assess the options to deliver the need.

Each quarter Scottish Water reports to IPPG on its progress in developing interventions to address the needs on the Development List. This report includes:

Section 1 Summary of current investment: providing an overview of thecurrent investment forecast over the 6-year investment period.

Section 2 - Indicator ofoverall Progress towards the Committed List (PCL): to provide reassurance to stakeholders on the overall volume of intervention development relative to what is required to meet expected investment levels in future years.

Section 3- Progress in the development of interventions with Level 1 and 2 appraisals: to provide reassurance to stakeholders on progress of developing interventions subject to a Level 1 and Level 2 appraisal [and other projects and programmes of interest to stakeholders] and a view of current expectations of when they will reach future appraisal stages.



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