Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: call for evidence analysis

Evidence analysis report from the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland's call for evidence which sets out the findings from the call for evidence submissions and notes from the engagement events.

Appendix 2: Stakeholder engagement questions

Theme 1 - A person-centred approach

1. How can we ensure that people with lived and living experience of care and support services are able/supported to contribute to inspection, scrutiny and regulation processes? Please give us your views

Theme 2 - What needs to be inspected, scrutinised, and regulated?

2. Do you feel there are services that are not currently subject to inspection, scrutiny and regulation that should be? Yes / No / Not sure

2a. If yes, please tell us which type of services?

2b. Why do you think they should be inspected/scrutinised/regulated?

2c. Who should be responsible for this?

Theme 3 - How should inspection, scrutiny, and regulation be carried out?

3. Would a system work where the same regulator inspected all services?

3a. If yes, why? And if no, why not?

4. Should there be different regulators for inspection (the organisation that looks at how things are working) and improvement (the organisation that supports things getting better)? Y / N / Not sure

4a. If yes, why? If no, why not?

5. How can we ensure that regulation and inspection processes are underpinned by a commitment to improving services?

6. Should regulation, inspection, and scrutiny have an emphasis on services continually improving? What might that look like?

7. What should happen if something goes wrong in a service?

8. Who should be responsible for making improvements to services?

9. How do we make sure regulatory bodies are doing a good job?

Theme 4 - How will we know systems are working?

10. How can we ensure that people and their families who require care and support, have the information they need about how providers are performing to support their decisions about care and support?

11. What information might that be?

12. How we can make data collection and sharing better?

13. How do we make sure regulation, inspection, and scrutiny supports good practice for people accessing care and support?

14. How do we make sure regulation, inspection, and scrutiny supports good practice for people working in care and support?

15. How do we make sure regulation, inspection, and scrutiny supports good practice for providers delivering care and support?

Theme 5 - How will systems of inspection, scrutiny, and regulation support the workforce?

16. How do we ensure there is compliance and consistency with workforce registration requirements?

17. How can we ensure that people who work in care and support services are able to contribute to inspection, scrutiny, and regulation processes



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