
Social care - Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation: recommendation report - executive summary

Executive summary of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care support in Scotland's recommendation report by Dame Sue Bruce. IRISR explored how social care support and linked services are inspected, scrutinised and regulated in Scotland.

Theme 5 - how will systems of inspection, scrutiny, and regulation support the workforce?

One of the key aims of this review is to identify and set out recommendations to help ensure inspection, scrutiny, and regulation works towards making the system better for everyone, including for those who work to deliver social care support. The Review was keen to understand views on how current support systems and arrangements for the workforce might be improved, built upon and further strengthened, for the benefit of all.

The recommendations made under this theme are:

34. It is recommended that Scottish Ministers should review the powers of intervention and enforcement currently in place, where providers fail to meet workforce registration obligations or fail to follow the codes of conduct, and consideration be given as to where powers of enforcement should lie.

35. It is recommended that regulators and providers examine ways in which the workforce can become more actively involved in the inspection process, on a basis of mutual trust and respect.

36. It is recommended that Scottish Ministers align the social care workforce in a coherent model, based on fair work, to support the sustainability of the workforce and to help drive continuous improvement.

37. It is recommended that Scottish Ministers should review the sufficiency, quality and availability of resources for training, development and improvement.

38. It is recommended that steps are taken to ensure that nationally recognised qualifications that reflect the skills required to work in the social care sector are developed and are portable across the social care sector.



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