Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment - SG response: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment on the Scottish Government response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment which was published in June 2023. This is part of a suite of impact assessments related to the Scottish Government response.


This ICIA has been carried out in accordance with the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 (the Act). In particular, Section 7 duty of the Act according to which a Relevant Authority must have regard to island communities in carrying out its functions.

The Act places a duty on Scottish Ministers and other relevant authorities to have regard to island communities in exercising their functions, and for Scottish Ministers this will also include the development of legislation.

This Island Communities Impact Assessment was carried out between July 2023 and March 2024. Revisions were made to the assessment up and until September 2024. It involved policy teams and analysts across the three most impacted directorates. i.e. Education Reform, Learning Directorate and Lifelong Learning & Skills. Findings are based on: desk-based research; the formal analysis of the stakeholder engagement carried out during the Independent Review; and feedback that took place after the conclusion of the Review.

This impact assessment is part of a suite which also includes an Equalities Impact Assessment, a Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment a Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment and a Consumer Duty Impact Assessment.

It is important to note that this Impact Assessment relates to the recommendations in the report in order to provide advice for Ministers. The approach has been to make a high-level assessment of the key recommendations and the SG response to them. Further Impact Assessment(s) may be required as any response is taken forward.



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