Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment - SG response: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment on the Scottish Government response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment which was published in June 2023. This is part of a suite of impact assessments related to the Scottish Government response.

Section 4 – Decision

In making decisions relating to this Island Communities Assessment the inputs of stakeholders, including relevant communities, have been considered. This highlighted that there are areas of concern that relate to geographical limitations on opportunity (including the time and cost of travel), digital connectivity and Gaelic Medium Education.

No changes will be made to the response as a result of the assessment. The response is not deemed to be intrinsically detrimental to the Island Communities.

Steps will need to be taken to ensure that the existing factors which negatively impact on young people’s attainment in education in the current system are reduced or, at least, not made worse. This may include directing further Island Communities Impact Assessments if required.

Name: Laura Murdoch

Job title: Deputy Director, Curriculum and Qualifications, Scottish Governmen



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