Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment for the Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill as will be required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 once in force.

Annex A: A note on the data used in this report

The data presented for the proposed new definition, is our best available estimate based on the Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS). Further work is in progress to collect information through the 2018 SHCS on the income of other adults (beyond the highest income householder and their spouse) in the household as well as childcare costs. These are not currently accounted for in the data presented.

We will also be undertaking analysis of missing survey housing cost data, determining households to which the enhanced heating regime should apply, employing the full 107 MIS thresholds and considering smoothing of the MIS data over time if required.

The data presented includes an estimated uplift for remote rural, remote small town and island areas (categories 4 and 6 of the Scottish Government's urban rural classification). This data is provided as an indication of the likely impact of the uplift and is based on work undertaken by the definition review panel. However, the actual values of the uplifts to be applied will be determined by research which is yet to be procured and the details of which will be set out in regulations to the Bill.


Email: FuelPovertyStrategy@gov.scot

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