Funeral Expense Assistance (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024: islands communities impact assessment

This islands communities impact assessment (ICIA) considers changes to Funeral Support Payment in relation to the impacts on people living in the Islands under Section 8 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018.


1. Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 (

2. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 (

3. Scottish Government (2024) Alkaline Hydrolysis (water cremation) regulation: consultation analysis report

4. Scottish Government (2022) Funeral Support Payment: evaluation - (

5. Scottish Government (2019) Funeral Expense Assistance: EQIA - (

6. Scottish Government (2019) Funeral Expense Assistance: Fairer Scotland Duty assessment - (

7. Scottish Government (2019) Funeral Expense Assistance: islands impact assessment - (

8. Scottish Government (2019) Funeral costs guidance: business and regulatory impact assessment - (

9. Social Security Scotland (2024) Funeral Support Payment: high level statistics to 30 June 2024

10. Scottish Government (2024) Alkaline Hydrolysis (water cremation) regulation: consultation analysis report

11. Social Security (Scotland) 2018 Act

12. Scottish Government (2024) Alkaline Hydrolysis (water cremation) regulation: consultation analysis report

13. Scottish Government - Scotland's Census 2011: Inhabited islands report

14. Social Security Scotland – Social Security Statistics

15. SunLife (2024) The Cost of Dying Report

16. SunLife (2024) The Cost of Dying Report

17. Sutherland, F (2015) Remotely excluded: barriers facing Scotland's rural consumers, CAS, Edinburgh, 36 pp

18. Bailey, N, Bramley, G, Gannon, M, University of Glasgow (2016) Poverty and social exclusion in rural and urban areas of Scotland

19. Scottish Government, Social Security Experience Panels: publications

20. Scottish Government Funeral Poverty and Funeral Support Payment Reference Group

21. Scottish Government (2022) Funeral Support Payment: Evaluation

22. Scottish Government (2019) Funeral Expense Assistance: Islands Impact Assessment



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