
Islands Strategic Group minutes: March 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 9 March 2023.

Attendees and apologies

  • Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands 
  • Jenny Gilruth, Minister for Transport 
  • Councillor Kieron Green, Policy Lead for Planning and Regulatory Services, Argyll and Bute Council 
  • Colin Young, Senior Transportation Delivery Officer, Argyll and Bute Council 
  • Audrey Martin, Transformation Projects and Regeneration Manager, Argyll and Bute Council 
  • Councillor Hill, Council's Cabinet Member for Communities and Islands, North Ayrshire Council 
  • Louise Kirk, Senior Manager, Regeneration, North Ayrshire Council
  • Tracey Urry, Roads and Infrastructure, Highland Council
  • Councillor Stockan, Council Leader, Orkney Islands Council
  • Oliver Reid, Chief Executive, Orkney Islands Council 
  • Laura Cromarty, Service Manager Transportation. Orkney Islands Council
  • Maggie Sandison, Chief Executive, Shetland Islands Council
  • Gary Robinson, Deputy Leader, Shetland Islands Council
  • Councillor Steele, Council Leader, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • Malcolm Burr, Chief Executive, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • Linda Cunningham, Corporate Policy Officer, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Scottish Government

  • Anna Densham, Deputy Director, Land Reform, Rural and Islands Policy
  • Erica Clarkson, Head of Islands Policy Lead
  • Francesco Sindico, Carbon Neutral Islands Project Lead
  • Coinneach Morrison, Islands Recovery and Policy Manager
  • Cameron Anson, Repopulation and Island Communities Policy Manager
  • Lorraine Lowrie, Senior Island Communities Policy Advisor
  • Lewis MacAskill, Senior Island Communities Policy Advisor
  • Magda Szymborska-Bishop, Island Communities Policy Advisor
  • Stuart Brown, Island Communities Policy Advisor
  • Joe Brown, Place Director, Orkney Islands
  • Alan Johnston, Deputy Director, Strategic Co-ordination Unit
  • Laurence Kenney, Head of Ferries Policy, Transport Scotland
  • Alan Wyper, Policy Officer, Fuel Poverty
  • Mandy Lee, Policy Support, Fuel Poverty
  • John McRorie, Housing Planning Co-ordinator, Housing and Planning
  • Melanie Macrae, Whole Systems and Technical Policy Lead
  • Rachael McGruer, Deputy Director, National Care Service Local
  • David Fitzpatrick, Whole Systems Policy Officer, Negative Emissions
  • Haydn Thomas, Programme Manager, EU Exit

Items and actions


The Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Ms Gougeon, welcomed all attendees to the meeting.  The Cabinet Secretary was pleased to welcome the new members who were elected earlier in the year. 

The minutes from the previous Islands Strategic Group (ISG) meeting were approved. 

Islands transport forum  

Ms Gougeon introduced the Islands Transport Forum (ITF) as a separate agenda item. 

Cameron Anson spoke to his paper which introduced the first ITF which it was proposed should be established as part of the ISG.  

Minister Gilruth thanked Cameron. She was keen that the Transport Forum agenda item be strategic and was wary of any duplication of work related to islands. She asked members for their views.  

Malcolm Burr explained that Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES) was an enthusiastic supporter of the Forum historically -  and have noticed transport and connectivity entering plans and agendas of every other meeting. He stated that it is important that there is a strategic forum and would support this agenda item. He believed that the ITF could focus on island specific issues and would be an opportunity to take these issues on whilst also being strongly welcomed to avoid overlap.  

Ms Gilruth acknowledged that the Transport Forum would provide members of the ISG with an opportunity to focus on the details of key issues. 

Gary Robinson concurred with Malcolm Burr. One particular issue for Shetland is freight on the Aberdeen – Kirkwall – Lerwick route, with  overall pressures for space causing major issues.  

Ms Gilruth noted this issue and asked officials to note it  as an Action Point. 

Councillor Green stated that the ITF would be a good opportunity to discuss common issues, and the differing resolutions between islands. 

Councillor Stockan agreed that the ITF would provide a helpful space to tackle issues.. He noted that proper pricing would assist with finding low carbon transport solutions that fit the bill for the longer-term, and that a  long-term strategic basis is the space that leaders need to be in. 

Councillor Steele fully agreed that such a strategic space was welcomed to discuss issues. 

Councillor Hill stated he was supportive of the paper and was keen to have relevant Transport colleagues from within local authorities to join in discussions. He also raised a specific issue regarding Morrisons supermarket in Largs refusing to deliver on Cumbrae due to difficulties getting vehicles on and off the island.  

Ms Gilruth noted the operational issue involving Morrisons and asked officials to take this away as an Action Point.      

Cabinet Secretary Gougeon reiterated that the discussion had been useful in determining how to take transport matters  forward. 

Cameron Anson summarised that the focus of the Forum will be strategic rather than the detail of operational issues, although there will still be opportunities  to raise significant operational issues. Cameron also advised that the issues and topics listed in the annex to the discussion’s accompanying paper were intended only to show the range of issues, rather than the specific focus of discussion for future meetings. He noted that the Terms of Reference will continue to be worked on and shared with the ISG Senior Officers Group (SOG) for input. 

Malcolm Burr suggested the retained EU Law Bill as an agenda item for the next meeting. He noted that the presumption is that this will abolish the Public Service Obligation (PSO), and asked if the UK Government is discussing the issue with the Scottish Government, as potential of withdrawal would show the vulnerability of islands to wholly commercial flights. He concluded by stating that further discussion of alternatives would be welcomed. 

Ms Gilruth explained that she had not received advice form Transport Scotland on what the PSO impact would be. The need to maintain a service and how to protect routes was noted as an Action Point.  

Ms Gougeon suggested that a follow-up on issues in the interim would be welcome rather than waiting until next meeting. She gave thanks to members for their input. 

Cost crisis (islands emergency cost crisis fund)

Cabinet Secretary Gougeon introduced the Cost Crisis agenda item.

Councillor Hill stated that the support was very much welcomed. North Ayrshire Council had held enquires with island groups to determine how best to use the funds and was working on rolling out a number of programmes as a result. He asked if any other funding was in the pipeline.

Cabinet Secretary Gougeon explained that the budget had been confirmed for the 23/24 financial year, with provisions set and that further information would be forthcoming.

Maggie Sandison highlighted that the funding was appreciated by Shetland Islands Council and had made a difference in the support of families in hardship.

Councillor Stockan was delighted with the support which was valuable to the most vulnerable and remote areas, where the local economy can suffer as well as households.

Councillor Green welcomed the much-needed support and asked for confirmation of funding beyond the current financial year.

Erica Clarkson explained that advice was being pulled together to explore options for expenditure. She was mindful of how useful the fund had been and gave reassurance that options would be presented to the Cabinet Secretary for her consideration.

Housing (remote, rural and islands housing action plan)

Cabinet Secretary Gougeon introduced the Housing agenda item and stated that there is a Ministerial commitment to develop a Remote, Rural and Islands Housing Action Plan (RRIHAP) to ensure that housing needs are met, and to help retain people and attract them to those communities.

Councillor Hill commented that the actual housing need for each community should be ascertained in order to identify the need across sectors and develop a local plan that was affordable in the long-term. He described the Arran Development Trust housing project where the majority of the work has been completed by island workers.

Gary Robinson stated that housing was not being built at the required pace. He noted that modular housing is a novel way to increase supply to the islands and that with no increase in accommodation, businesses and agencies are unable to get staff as they have nowhere to stay, which in turn stifles the economy.

Councillor Green asked if grid connectivity was an issue for other islands. He noted that additional properties are not permitted on some islands due to being at grid capacity.

 John McRorie replied that there is a focus on connectivity and infrastructure in the RRIHAP to ensure a joined-up approach in tackling these issues.

 Joe Brown introduced himself as the new Location Director for Orkney. He explained that learning had been shared with him from colleagues in Cardiff regarding some successful Ukrainian Resettlement work. The local authority in Wales had invested in modular housing which had a lifespan of 40 years. The key message was that modular options cost the same as more traditional methods but can be delivered more quickly - if done correctly.

Malcolm Burr commented that housing solutions are often small and bespoke, and that issues don’t always relate to funding. He stated that a key to success is being able to take quick decisions. One example would be to allow community landlords to create their own schemes. He also noted that some sectors are wary of entering into projects due to rising costs.

Councillor Hill suggested that a useful case study could be the modular housing site currently being delivered in Stevenson on the mainland.

Councillor Steele stated he was aware of two companies providing modular housing and that the high costs of transporting modular units between islands was an important consideration.

Councillor Stockan highlighted than there are some issues where houses have been completed, but have not been able to get connected to the grid.

Gary Robinson suggested that bespoke designs for houses resulted in increased costs. Therefore, agreeing on one design to be customised could be helpful in delivering more homes on islands.

Cameron Anson reinforced the message around working across government, highlighting the key link between housing and population. He also stated the importance of supporting skills providers to meet local needs, with the expectation that learning will increase the workforce and help to increase delivery.

Climate change

Cabinet Secretary Gougeon introduced the Climate Change agenda topic.

Melanie Macrae delivered a short presentation to introduce the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan. She encouraged members and stakeholders to respond to the consultation and requested views from members.

Maggie Sandison stated an interest in just transition, with oil and gas being important to Shetland. She noted that Shetland Islands Council are keen to be part of just transition to ensure employment is retained on the islands and that, regarding offshore wind, ensuring the benefits are returned to communities. She highlighted the importance of the coexistence between renewable energy and Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), whilst noting that there is concern with both attempting to use the same spaces and that energy developments need to work with aquaculture and fishing.

Councillor Stockan reiterated that the benefits of renewables should be retained by islands by effectively utilising funding streams - including those from the UK Government.

Councillor Green echoed the community benefits, and said that these should go to those people who have to live with the disruption of associated works. Improvements to the grid system would be a welcome offset to this disruption.

Councillor Steele highlighted that it was important to use all tools available, and that HPMAs appear to discourage economic growth in contrast to the general plan to increase growth.

Oliver Reid agreed with all the points made and stated that he was keen to be involved in conversations around energy and money staying on islands where possible.

Melanie Macrae thanked members for their contributions and useful discussion and noted that  the final strategy will be shared.

Any other business

Cabinet Secretary Gougeon invited members to raise any other business.

Councillor Stockan raised the issue of student support and queried if the money previously set aside for the Islands Bond could be utilised.

Cameron Anson explained that Heriot Watt and the University of the Highlands and Islands met to discuss how a project might be delivered. However, it was too late in the academic year at that time. He stated that learning from a previous scholarship scheme is being explored, with details to be provided at the next CoHI.

No other business was raised.  

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