Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board newsletter: October 2022

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board (JDB) newsletter (fifth edition) October 2022.

Other areas of work

New Mental Health Strategy Update

The Scottish Government's Mental Health Strategy Team wish to thank those that have contributed to date to the engagement to inform the upcoming Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy.

The public consultation closed on the 9th of September, and the responses are now being independently analysed. Approximately 500 responses were received, and these will be considered alongside the information that has been gathered from the various engagement events that have been held so far.

The team received a broad range of feedback to consider, and are keen to ensure there is ample opportunity to engage further on the important issues that have been raised. In light of this, they have decided to delay the publication of the strategy to Spring next year. This will allow more time for detailed work to take place to shape the Strategy and Delivery Plan; this will be an opportunity to work directly with stakeholders to develop and co-design the final documents.

The team will provide more clarity on the revised timetable shortly, and look forward to continuing their engagement with you over the coming months.

Families at the Centre Event

The Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care recently announced the 'Families at the Centre' event for professionals will take place on 4 November 2022.

This will be a national online event that will bring together multiple different services, which support families during the perinatal period and throughout infancy across Scotland.

The event will be run by the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board, with support from Inspiring Scotland.

The event will showcase work that has been in development across all sectors of perinatal and infant mental health services. The main topics will be:

  • Statutory service development – including the findings from board visits and monitoring outcomes;
  • Third Sector – with contributions from Inspiring Scotland, Home Start and Cross Reach. Showcasing the service directory and sharing initial Main Grant and Small Grants Fund outcomes;
  • Lived Experience – highlighting the importance of co-production and meaningful engagement;
  • Peer Support – the Scottish Recovery Network will share work done so far on the creation of a Peer support Scotland resource and Nurture the Borders will share an Evaluation Framework,
  • Infant Mental Health – presenting work done on Voice of the Infant;
  • Pathways to Care – launching the pathways animations.

The event will take place between 9.30 and 12.15 on Friday 4 November. Please click here to register.

New Suicide Prevention Strategy Launched – 'Creating Hope Together'

At the end of September, a new 10‑year strategy and action plan for suicide prevention was launched. The strategy will draw on levers across national and local government to address the underlying social issues that can cause people to feel suicidal, while making sure the right support is there for people and their families.

This fresh approach will help people at the earliest possible opportunity and a key focus is placed on ensuring children and young people's needs are being considered.

The strategy calls for a whole of society and cross-government approach be taken to creating hope together and preventing suicide.



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