
Job-Related Training in Scotland: January to December 2022

Information about job-related training in Scotland's labour market from the Annual Population Survey January to December 2022.

Equality characteristics

When looking at equality characteristics, it can give an insight into which groups of the population are more likely to receive job-related training than others. Breakdowns by sex, age, disability and ethnicity are provided in this section.


Since the series began, women have been more likely to participate in job-related training than men.

In 2022, an estimated 333,900 women and 283,900 men reported participating in job-related training.

In 2022, the gap between the proportion of women and proportion of men who participated in job-related training was 4.8 percentage points, with 27.9 per cent of women in employment participating in job-related training compared to 23.1 per cent of men.

Chart 2: Proportion of people in employment (16-64) who participated in job-related training in last 3 months by sex, Scotland, 2007 to 2022

A time series line chart of the proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training by sex from 2007 to 2022. There are two separate lines for men and women. Both lines follow a similar trend of a fairly consistent figures between 2007 and 2013. Both lines then drop until 2016, then stay consistent until 2020 when they then increase. The women's line is above then men's throughout the series.

Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December data, ONS


The proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training is slightly higher for 16 to 24 year olds than any other age group.

In 2022, an estimated:

  • 59,700 16-24 year olds (26.3 per cent of all people in employment aged 16 to 24)
  • 150,000 25-34 year olds (25.0 per cent)
  • 214,900 35-49 year olds (26.1 per cent)
  • 193,300 50-64 year olds (25.0 per cent)

participated in job-related training.

The proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training has reduced in all age groups, except 50-64 year olds, since the series began in 2007.

Chart 3: Proportion of people in employment (16-64) who participated in job-related training in last 3 months by age, Scotland, 2007 to 2022

A time series line chart of the proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training by age from 2007 to 2022. There are four separate lines for age groups: 16-24, 25-35, 35-49 and 50-64. All ages groups followed a slight downwards trend other than 50-64 which has slightly increased across the time series. Those aged 16-24 were most likely to receive job-related training.Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December data, ONS


In 2022, an estimated 117,700 disabled people in employment and 497,900 non-disabled people in employment participated in job-related training.

The proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training was higher for disabled people (28.0 per cent) than non-disabled people (25.0 per cent).

The proportion of people in employment who particpated in job-related training has been higher for disabled people than non-disabled people since 2019.

Chart 4: Proportion of people in employment (16-64) who participated in job-related training in last 3 months by disability, Scotland, 2014 to 2022

A time series line chart of the proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training by disability from 2014 to 2022. There are two separate lines for disabled and non-disabled people. From 2014 to 2015 the non-disabled line was above the disabled line. Between 2016 and 2018 the lines were similar. From 2018 both lines follow an upward trend, with the disabled line above the non-disabled line.

Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December, ONS


In 2022, an estimated 25,800 people in employment from minority ethnic groups and 592,100 from white groups participated in job-related training.

The proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training was higher for white groups (26.0 per cent) than for minority ethnic groups (17.9 per cent).

Chart 5: Proportion of people in employment (16-64) who participated in job-related training in last 3 months by ethnicity, Scotland, 2011 to 2022

A time series line chart of the proportion of people in employment who participated in job-related training by ethnicity from 2011 to 2022. There are two separate lines for the white group and minority ethnic group. The trend for both groups is a decrease across the series. The minority ethnic line is below the white group line in 2023, 2016 to 2019 and 2021 to 2022. For other years the minority ethnic line is above the white group line.

Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December, ONS


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