Scotland's energy sector - unlocking investment: joint business plan

Focusses on the actions a number of stakeholders need to take in order to unlock investment in projects that support net zero, and will generate economic benefit across Scotland and the wider UK over the next few years.


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is unlike anything we have ever seen, and the case for a green economic recovery is clear. At the same time we mustn't lose sight of the importance of delivering on Scotland's net zero promises.

Collective action across the energy sector is needed now to unlock barriers to investment, create jobs, boost domestic supply chains, and help Scotland achieve its full potential.

This Joint Business Plan for Unlocking Investment in Scotland's Energy Sector focusses on the actions a number of stakeholders need to take in order to unlock investment in projects that support net zero, and will generate economic benefit across Scotland and the wider UK over the next few years.

There are separate but aligned plans focussed on the skills (e.g. Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan) and changes to supply chains (e.g. Strategic Investment Assessment) required as Scotland transitions to net zero, this business plan focuses specifically on actions to unlock investment at all scales.

The business plan also acknowledges that there are more substantial issues that need addressing to unlock further economic benefit in the longer term including, for example, transmission network charging, hydrogen for domestic heating etc.

The projects we have included are examples only and will each need to be considered carefully in their own right. We anticipate that many more projects could be initiated if we are able to unlock the barriers we have identified in this plan.

The business plan acknowledges that industry will play a fundamental role in working across all the actions identified to help remove the barriers and unlock a green recovery.



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