Scotland's energy sector - unlocking investment: joint business plan

Focusses on the actions a number of stakeholders need to take in order to unlock investment in projects that support net zero, and will generate economic benefit across Scotland and the wider UK over the next few years.



8 Industry organisations

77 Projects identified

Divided into 7 categories

27 barriers identified

75 actions identified


1. Decarbonising Electricity

Unlocking existing project pipelines and encouraging new developments.

2. Decarbonising Heat

Electrifying heat, supplied by clean, green renewable energy.

3. Decarbonising Transport

Electrification of transport with niche roles for green hydrogen.

4. Industrial & Negative Emissions Technologies

Enabled CCS and hydrogen and further the deployment of Smart System Deployment, including Distributed energy resources and Demand Side Response schemes.

5. Oil & Gas Transition

Decarbonising supply and production, transitioning skills and capabilities.

6. Enabling Infrastructure

Investment in networks and pipes.

7. Developing Technologies

Unlocking technologies currently restricted by an absence of policy and regulatory frameworks.



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