
Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland

Plan identifying priority actions agreed upon by housing sector representatives to ensure we are able to deliver the objectives set out in our housing strategies.


A strong and well-functioning housing system has a vital role to play in supporting the development of a more productive, more cohesive and fairer Scotland. This Joint Plan has been drawn up by the Joint Housing Policy & Delivery Group (formerly the Housing Policy Advisory Group), which comprises the Scottish Government ( SG), CoSLA and a wide range of housing stakeholders. The Joint Group will also oversee implementation of the Joint Plan.

Scotland's Economic Strategy, published by the SG in March 2015, identifies four priorities for sustainable growth - investment, innovation, internationalisation and inclusive growth. Within the heading of investment, communities, local assets and housing are specifically highlighted.

It is therefore an opportune time to restate and refocus the delivery of current housing policies, focusing on shared public and private sector objectives and on our collective ambition to deliver the vision for housing: that all people in Scotland live in high quality sustainable homes that they can afford and that meet their needs.


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