
Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland

Plan identifying priority actions agreed upon by housing sector representatives to ensure we are able to deliver the objectives set out in our housing strategies.


Throughout the Plan we have used various acronyms and terms which need explanation. The following list is intended to be as comprehensive as it can be to assist interpretation of which organisations are leading and participating in delivery of the Plan.


A&DS Architecture and Design Scotland Public body promoting excellence in place making, architecture and planning.
- Adapting for Change Advisory Group Working with the Scottish Government to take forward recommendations enabling older people and disabled people to plan and use their own resources to ensure their homes are suitable long-term.
( ADSW) (Association of Directors of Social Work) now Social Work Scotland (see below)
- Age Scotland Charity established to enable everyone in Scotland to make the most of later life.
ALACHO Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers The representative body for local authority housing in Scotland.
CAB Citizens Advice Bureau Scotland's largest independent advice network.
- Care and Repair Care and Repair services operate throughout Scotland to offer independent advice and assistance to help homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live in comfort and safety in their own community.
CIH Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland Professional body for the housing sector.
CML Council for Mortgage Lenders The representative voice for the residential mortgage lending industry, and central provider of economic, statistical, legal, research and other market information.
CoSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities The representative voice for the majority of Scottish local government.
COTSS College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section - Housing A forum for occupational therapists and occupational therapy staff that have an interest in housing, inclusive design and accessible home environments.
- Construction Review Delivery Group A Scottish Government working group to over-see the implementation of the Review of Procurement in Construction
CS Construction Scotland The leadership organisation for Scotland's construction industry.
- Development Trust Association Scotland The national body for development trusts in Scotland.
DGSCHT Dumfries & Galloway Small Communities Housing Trust A trust which works with small rural communities to identify and address local housing needs as part of wider rural regeneration.
- Energy Savings Trust An organisation helping householders, governments, businesses and organisations to save energy.
- Fuel Poverty Forum Forum comprising representatives of various organisations, working with the Scottish Government to eliminate fuel poverty.
GWSF Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations Membership body for community-controlled housing associations and co-operatives in west central Scotland.
HARIS Housing Association Resource for Investment Scheme The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations' Housing Association Resource for Investment Scheme ( HARIS) is being developed to provide an innovative way for Scottish housing associations to raise private finance at scale in order to keep small and medium sized associations building new homes for social rent.
HfS Homes for Scotland Member body for the housing development industry in Scotland.
HHA Highland Housing Alliance A development company dedicated to building and managing a wide variety of good-quality homes for people in the Highlands.
HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise Economic and community development agency for the north and west of Scotland, working to generate sustainable economic growth across the Highlands and Islands.
HoPS Heads of Planning Scotland Representative organisation for senior planning officers from Scotland's local authorities, national park authorities and strategic development planning authorities.
- Housing Options Scotland Provider of information and advice to disabled people, veterans and older people on social renting, private renting, and home ownership.
HSCHT Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust A registered charity set up in 1998 to help rural communities secure long term solutions to their local housing needs.
HSID Scottish Government Housing Supply and Innovation Division The Scottish Government's Housing Supply and Innovation Division
- Joint Integration Boards Health Board and Local Authority partnerships with responsibility for planning and resourcing service provision for adult health and social care services, adult community health services and a proportion of adult acute services.
JIT Joint Improvement Team - Housing A strategic improvement partnership between the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, CoSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) and the Third, Independent and Housing Sectors.
LGPS Local Government Pension Scheme
PAD Scottish Government Planning Architecture Division The Scottish Government's Planning and Architecture Division
PRS Private Rented Sector
- PRS Champion Appointed by HfS to take forward initiatives to enable potentially viable projects to reach fruition aimed at attracting new sources of investment to help expand the PRS.
RIAS Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland The professional body for chartered architects in Scotland.
RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Scotland Professional accreditation body for Chartered Surveyors.
RTPI Royal Town Planning Institute Scotland Chartered Institute for spatial, sustainable and inclusive planning.
RIHAF Rural and Islands Housing Association Forum Forum representing the interests of widely dispersed and disparate social landlords working in remote rural communities as well as those on the periphery of towns.
SAL Scottish Association of Landlords National organisation representing landlords and letting agents throughout Scotland.
- Scottish Builders Federation Trade association within the construction industry in Scotland.
SE Scottish Enterprise Provider of business advice and support to Scottish Businesses.
SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency Scotland's environmental regulator.
SFHA Scottish Federation of Housing Associations The national representative body for Scotland's housing associations and co-operatives.
SFT Scottish Futures Trust Independent company, established by the Scottish Government in 2008, with responsibility for delivering value for money across all public sector infrastructure investment.
- Scottish Government Regional Tenants Networks Regional Networks were set up to help Registered Tenant Organisations ( RTOs) engage with the Scottish Government on issues of national policy.
- Scottish Land and Estates Representative voice of land-based businesses in rural Scotland.
- Scottish Law Commission Commission set up to offer the Government independent advice on law reform.
- Scottish Property Federation Representative voice for those involved in the property industry in Scotland.
- Shelter Charity that works to alleviate the distress caused by homelessness and bad housing.
SHARE SHARE Training Agency for the staff and committees of housing associations.
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SWS Social Work Scotland (Previously ADSW - Association of Directors of Social Work). Representative voice for social workers and other professionals who lead and support social work across all sectors.
WWF World Wildlife Fund Conservation charity.


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