
Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland

Plan identifying priority actions agreed upon by housing sector representatives to ensure we are able to deliver the objectives set out in our housing strategies.

The Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland 2015-2020

34 actions have been identified as priorities within the Plan, though many are interlinked, representing the fact that our housing system is complex and diverse with multiple impacts. However, the actions cannot and do not represent every aspect of housing policy delivery that Scottish Government or stakeholders are progressing work on, simply those highlighted within the co-production process.

The Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland identifies for each action :-

- the purpose of each action.
- what can be done to deliver the action.
- which internal Scottish Government or external partner will lead on delivery - this is sometimes shared in some actions.
- what resources are already available to support delivery - many actions relate to the work of active established working groups.
- What timescale for delivery of the actions has been set. This may be adjusted as the work to deliver the action is progressed.

The actions have been grouped into two main sections:-

1 Home and Place Actions 1 - 20

These actions link into the Housing and Regeneration Directorate outcomes of:-

A well-functioning housing system - availability of choice, homes people can afford and growth of supply

High quality sustainable homes - safe, warm, resources efficient and promoting well being

Supply, Investment and Planning Actions 1 - 13
Sustainability Actions 14 - 16
Place making Actions 17 - 20

2. Housing Journey and Support Actions 21 - 34

These actions link into the Housing and Regeneration Directorate outcomes of:-

Homes that meet people's needs - accessing and keeping a home and supporting independent living

Sustainable communities - economically, physically and socially sustainable

Independent Living Actions 21 - 25
Housing Options Actions 26 - 29
Private Rented Sector Actions 30 - 34

With many partners and stakeholders identified in delivering the actions within the Plan, a glossary of organisations, their role and contact details is at Appendix 2.


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