Journey times in the Scottish Criminal Justice System: 2023-24

This bulletin assesses an accused person’s criminal justice journey time from offence date to case conclusion or verdict for the period from 2023 to 2024. This journey time is broken down by justice system stage and type of crime.

2. Introduction

This bulletin presents information on the time taken from offence to verdict for persons accused of criminal charges. This is the second annual publication in a series of official statistics in development bulletins on this topic. Analysis will develop over time in line with user needs. The time taken for the accused to progress through the justice system between offence and verdict times will include:

  • the time taken for a victim to report an offence to the police and the associated police investigation time,
  • COPFS time in processing the reported crime and preparing for court where relevant,
  • then finally for the accused whose case progresses to court, the court time in hearing and disposing the case. This stage can involve multiple contributors including:  SCTS, COPFS, Police Scotland, defence solicitors, SLAB etc.

The time taken for the accused to progress through the system will be referred to as the ‘journey time’. The journey times of two categories of accused are presented here:

  1. those that are reported by the police or another reporting agency to COPFS and are disposed by COPFS either because they have decided that no action should be taken or an alternative to prosecution (e.g. a warning letter or a fiscal fine) is issued and,
  2. accused that COPFS decide should be prosecuted in court.

In addition, this bulletin presents new information on the date an offence is reported to police (police known date) and the date an offence is reported to COPFS. Both dates are supplied by COPFS and are extracted from their management information system. This additional information, allows for the overall journey time to be broken down into stages as well as the identification of historical offences.





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