Coronavirus (COVID-19): Justice Analytical Services data report - July 2020

Second release of a monthly data report on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the justice system in Scotland, including information from Police Scotland, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, courts and prisons.

Case types

In July 2020, most initiated and disposed cases were just below 2019-20 levels.

  • All case types presented are gradually returning to 2019-20 levels, with month to month variation.
  • Children's Referrals disposals are higher than 19-20 levels, while Debts are returning to 2019-20 levels. Family & Personal Injury disposals are lower than typical 19-20 levels.
Initiated Cases (July 20) Disposed Cases (July 20)
Weekly average Change from 19-20 Case Type Weekly average Change from 19-20
231 85% of 19-20 typical week (271 cases)
124 55% of 19-20 typical week (226 cases)
123 92% of 19-20 typical week (134 cases) Children's Referrals 37 116% of 19-20 typical week (32 cases)
315 73% of 19-20 typical week (430 cases) Debt 423 90% of 19-20 typical week (469 cases)
91 76% of 19-20 typical week (120 cases) Personal Injury 52 57% of 19-20 typical week (91 cases)

Further Information:

Latest published Civil Justice Statistics can be found here:



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