
Justice Analytical Services - safer communities and justice statistics monthly data report: September 2022 edition

This report contains summary statistics covering a number of important justice and safer communities statistics. It is published with up to date statistics every month.

Topic Page

Exploring Time on Remand

The Scottish Prison Population Statistics 2020-21 were published in June 2022 (Scottish Prison Population Statistics 2020-21). The data released illustrates change and continuity in the prison population during the Covid pandemic. Some of the key changes include: rapid falls and rises across the reporting year; shifts in the balance of different legal status and index offence and sentence groups; a decrease in arrivals to custody; and a growth in the proportion of remand journeys lasting seven weeks or more.

An interactive analysis tool allows users to explore the available data directly. This example shows how you can use the tool to explore the findings on time on remand:

  • To start, click the "Explore" button at the top of the 'About' page
  • Under Select primary unit of measurement select "Dep. From REMAND"

The Notes at the bottom of the pane change depending on the selections made. Click the links to get more information about the data being displayed

  • Under Select measurement choose "% of Count". Percentages in the app are always column percentages in the data table.

NB: Take care when examining percentages. A percentage of a small total is not likely to be very stable and might fluctuate a great deal due to small changes.

  • Under Select population slice choose "Remand"
  • Under Select main variable choose "Time on Remand" and under Select sub-grouping variable choose "Financial year"

A new chart is plotted, showing banded time on remand for each financial year (see the screenshot image on page 20). Online, matching tables are also produced below each chart generated using the tool. These tables can be downloaded as CSV files.

Illustrative chart from prisons interactive analysis tool showing time on remand for different financial years. Last updated September 2022.



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