
Justice in Scotland: vision and priorities

Document setting out Scottish Government's plan for a just, safe and resilient Scotland, with established priorities for 2017 to 2020.


This is not the time to be complacent, but rather to build on past successes, to learn from the most recent evidence and to apply this to our current and future challenges. It is essential that we build the right foundations and create the right conditions to make progress on our priorities. This means:

1) Collaborative Leadership

The Justice Board and the Justice Leaders Network ( JLN) are committed to strong and concerted leadership. We are focused on leading and working together - and across traditional boundaries - to transform our public services and make that decisive shift towards prevention.

2) Partnership Working

We will continue to develop genuine partnership with the NHS, Integrated Joint Boards, COSLA, Community Planning Partners ( CPPs), third and private sectors at national and local levels. This includes working towards common purpose and outcomes, co-producing policy and programmes, strategic commissioning and playing to partners' strengths.

3) An adaptable and resilient workforce

We have diverse justice workforces who are our agents of change. We need highly skilled, qualified and compassionate people at the heart of our work who have the right opportunities for continuous professional development.

4) Community engagement

All justice leaders will lead by example. The organisations they lead respect diversity, apply rights-based approaches and are committed to putting people and commu-nities at the heart of decision making and co-production of opportuni-ties. This is increasingly evident in the work of our justice community and we will prioritise this in the coming years.

5) Digital and IT

To deliver justice fit for the 21st century, our justice systems need to embrace digital technology. We need to look beyond traditional methods, transforming how we engage and how we deliver services. We need to work with key justice stakeholders to deliver simple, fast and effective justice through our Justice Digital Strategy - sharing information and evidence across the system.

6) Analysis and use of evidence

Our vision and priorities are underpinned by a broad and systematic analysis of the evidence base to help inform our understanding of the challenges as well as frame our priorities and approach. We will continue to develop, analyse and apply the best available data and evidence to guide and measure progress, as well as to inform the actions we take through an understanding of what works most effectively to deliver positive change.


Email: Justice Analysts,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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