Justice Social Work Statistics in Scotland: 2023-24 – Part 1

This report presents national level information on many aspects of justice social work activity, as well as the characteristics of individuals involved.

Key Points

  • The number of diversion from prosecution cases commenced rose by 28 per cent between 2022-23 and 2023-24 from 2,600 to 3,400. This was the highest level in the last ten years.
  • There were 102 fiscal work orders imposed in 2023-24. This was 25 per cent lower than in 2022-23 (136) and the 2nd lowest in the last nine years.
  • The number of bail supervision cases rose by 17 per cent between 2022-23 and 2023-24 to 1,300. This was the highest in the last ten years.
  • There were 1,400 structured deferred sentences imposed in 2023-24. This was eight per cent more than in 2022-23 and the highest in the last six years.
  • There were 1,100 statutory custody-based throughcare cases commenced in 2023-24, 18 per cent up on 940 in 2022-23. This was the highest in the last ten years.
  • The number of statutory community-based throughcare cases commenced was 870 in 2023-24, three per cent down on 890 in 2022-23. This was the 2nd lowest level in the last ten years.
  • The number of voluntary throughcare cases commenced rose by two per cent between 2022-23 and 2023-24 from 1,840 to 1,870. This was the 5th lowest level in the last ten years.
  • Between 2022-23 and 2023-24, the number of home leave reports rose by five per cent from 1,100 to 1,200. Over the same period, the number of parole/non-parole reports rose by three per cent from 2,400 to 2,500.
  • The number of home detention curfew assessment reports have been steady over the last five years. In 2023-24, there were 750. The higher numbers across 2014-15 to 2018-19 reflect a change in assessment procedures.
Six line charts which show how various justice social work statistics were affected over the period of the Covid-19 pandemic and also show what has happened since then. All of these statistics fell sharply between 2019-20 and 2020-21, apart from diversion from prosecution cases which rose. Bail supervision cases and structured deferred sentences have risen sharply since 2020-21 to historically high levels. Diversion from prosecution cases rose again in 2021-22, then fell slightly in 2022-23, before rising again to a historic high level in 2023-24. Voluntary throughcare cases and statutory throughcare community cases in 2023-24 remain below the levels prior to the pandemic. Statutory throughcare custody cases rose in 2023-24 to exceed the level prior to the pandemic. Last updated September 2024. Next update due September 2025.


Email: justice_analysts@gov.scot

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