
Justice vision and priorities delivery plan 2018-2019 and overview of progress 2017-2018

Overview of progress to the actions set out in 2017-2018 Justice Vision and Priorities Delivery Plan and new approaches and additional actions for the coming year 2018-2019.

Vision, Outcomes and Priorities

Justice Delivery Plan 2017-2018

A range of strategies, programmes and legislation underpin the Justice Vision.

The Justice Board individually and collectively will be working to deliver a number of key actions in 2017-18 under our 7 priorities.

Vision, Outcomes and Priorities


A Just, Safe & Resilient Scotland


  • We live in safe, cohesive and resilient communities.
  • Prevention and early intervention improve wellbeing and life chances.
  • Our system and interventions are proportionate, fair and effective.
  • We deliver person-centred, modern and affordable public services.


  • We will enable our communities to be safe and supportive, where individuals exercise their rights and responsibilities.
  • We will enable our people, economy and infrastructure to respond to major risk, recover from emergencies and adapt to emerging threats.
  • We will modernise civil and criminal law and the justice system to meet the needs of people in Scotland in the 21st Century.
  • We will work with others to improve health and wellbeing in justice settings, focusing on mental health and substance use.
  • We will work to quickly identify offenders and ensure responses are proportionate, just, effective and promote rehabilitation.
  • We will improve the experience of victims and witnesses, minimising court attendance and supporting them to give best evidence.
  • We will use prison only where necessary to address offending or to protect public safety, focusing on recovery and reintegration.


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