National Care Service - keeping care support local part 1 – local services: regional forums - findings summary

In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part one – local services theme.

Annex A

Before the session, we sent everyone who was attending some points from previous user research. These were:

  • when people use social care support and community health services, they prefer the first person they speak to, to be someone they know
  • people cannot find out or are not told clearly what support is available for them.
  • getting information online can be hard or impossible for some people.
  • it can take a long time to get support in place and that can make things getting worse for people and their families.
  • the way social care support and community health is given is different from one area to another.



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