
Keeping Scotland Safe and Strong - A Consultation on Reforming Police and Fire and Rescue Services in Scotland: Analysis of Consultation Responses

Analysis of Responses received to the Consultation on Reforming Police and Fire and Rescue Services in Scotland


Thanks are expressed to all of the respondents who took the time and care to respond to the written consultation. Every submission has been examined thoroughly and every effort made to represent accurately the range of views expressed. Copies of full, non-confidential responses can be accessed on the Scottish Government website:

A four-page summary detailing the main findings from the consultation was published by the Scottish Government on the 16 December 2011 (Keeping Scotland Safe and Strong - A Consultation on Reforming Police and Fire and Rescue Services in Scotland: Research Findings). This can be accessed online at:

Thanks also go to the Scottish Government's Police and Fire Reform Policy and Legislation Unit and researchers from Justice Analytical Services for their support throughout.


Email: Julie Carr

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