
Key capabilities in child care and protection

These key capabilities are designed to allow students within social work degree programmes to map their specific learning in this area.


The assessment of Key Capabilities is based on the premise that all students need to demonstrate core knowledge, understanding and skills in child care and protection to enable them to progress in their studies/practice.

Every student qualifying as a social worker will be assessed in relation to child care and protection at key stages of their learning. At a minimum, students should undergo summative assessment prior to their first practice learning opportunity and prior to completing the course.

Dependent on when they have their practice learning opportunity, students may first be assessed at level 8 or 9 ( SCQF), however all students should be assessed at level 10 ( SCQF) prior to completion. If students do not meet the required level of competence, then they should not progress to the next stage, until such time as they have met that level. For some students this will mean that they cannot undertake their practice learning opportunities at the same time as their peers.

Assessment of Key Capabilities does not preclude assessment of other areas; rather it should be one component of assessing the overall skills of the student.

The responsibility for assessment is a shared one between the student, the tutor, the practice teacher and others including service users and carers.

The student needs to demonstrate that s/he has met the Key Capabilities. They can demonstrate this in formal assessments such as exams and assignments. They can also evidence Key Capabilities through less formal methods of assessment for example, their use of learning logs, their contribution to tutorials, group work, etc.

HEIs can assess students progress and readiness to practice in relation to Key Capabilities using a range of formative and summative assessment methods.

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