
Key Information on the Use of Antidepressants in Scotland

A short document explaining what existing data sources tell us about the quality of anti-depressant prescribing in Scotland.


Munoz-Arroyo, R., Sutton, M and Morrison, J. Exploring potential explanations for the increase in antidepressant prescribing in Scotland, using secondary analyses of routine data. British Journal of General Practice. 2006; 56: 423-428.

Cameron IM, Lawton K, Reid IC. Recognition and subsequent treatment of patients with sub-threshold symptoms of depression in primary care. Journal of Affective Disorders 2011 130 (1-2), 99-105.

Lockhart P and Guthrie B. Trends in primary care antidepressant prescribing 1995-2007: a longitudinal population database analysis. British Journal of General Practice 2011; DOI: 10.3399/bjgp11X593848.

Clinical diagnosis of depression in primary care: a meta-analysis. Mitchel AJ et al. Lancet 2009; 374:609-19.

Case identification of depression in patients with chronic physical health problems: a diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis of 113 studies. Meader et al. BJGP 2011; DOI:10.3399/bjgp 11X613151.


Email: Janet Megoran

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