
Healthy relationships and consent: key messages for young people

A resource for professionals which aims to help them support young people in their understanding of healthy relationships and consent.

Appendix A

The Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes are a set of clear and concise statements about children’s learning and progression in each curriculum area. They are used to help plan learning and to assess progress.

The key messages link into a number of the Experiences and Outcomes/Benchmarks for Third and Fourth levels. These are set out below:

Experiences and Outcomes


Healthy Relationships

I understand the importance of being cared for and caring for others in relationships, and can explain why.

HWB 3-44a/4-44a

I understand and can explain the importance of, and need for, commitment, trust and respect in loving and sexual relationships.

I understand the different contexts of such relationships, including marriage.

HWB 3-44c/4-44c

I recognise that power can exist within relationships and can be used positively as well as negatively.

HWB 3-45a/4-45a

I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.

HWB 3-46c/4-46c

  • Explains why commitment, trust and respect are central to being cared for and caring for others.

HWB 3-44a

  • Justifies why commitment, trust and respect are central to being cared for and caring for others.

HWB 4-44a

  • Demonstrates respect and understanding of the diversity of loving and sexual relationships, for example, LGBTI relationships, marriage, living together, co-parenting.

HWB 3-44c

  • Explains the importance of shared values and goals in sustaining a loving and sexual relationships, for example, mutual respect, agreement on sex.

HWB 4-44c

  • Explains the impact an imbalance of power can have on relationships, including sexual relationships, for example, consent, coercion, responsibility for actions and decisions.

HWB 3-45a

  • Distinguishes between a balance of power and abuse of power in relationships, for example, respect, trust, coercion, consent.

HWB 4-45a

Demonstrates the skills needed to challenge stereotypical images in the media, including social media, for example, confidence, judgement.

HWB 3-46c

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to manage challenging situations within relationships, including sexual relationships, for example, compromise, empathy, decisiveness.

HWB 4-46c

Experiences and Outcomes



I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.

HWB 3-46c/4-46c

Using what I have learned I am able to make informed decisions and choices that promote and protect my own and others’ sexual health and wellbeing.

HWB 3-47b/HWB 4-47b

I know how to manage situations concerning my sexual health and wellbeing and am learning to understand what appropriate sexual behaviour is.

HWB 3-49a/HWB 4-49a

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to challenge stereotypical images in the media, including social media, for example, confidence, judgement.

HWB 3-46c

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to manage challenging situations within relationships, including sexual relationships, for example, compromise, empathy, decisiveness.

HWB 4-46c

  • Identifies and demonstrates the skills required to make positive choices in challenging situations, for example, assertiveness, empathy.

HWB 3-47b

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to manage challenging situations within relationships, including sexual relationships, for example, compromise, empathy, decisiveness.

HWB 4-47b

  • Identifies negotiation skills required to have safe and enjoyable sex, for example, knowing when the time is right, mutual responsibility to prevent unintended pregnancy, use of contraceptives, confidence to refuse unwanted sexual contact.

HWB 3-49a

  • Demonstrates an understanding of support available and current legislation related to a range of types of abuse, for example, female genital mutilation, domestic abuse, grooming, child sexual exploitation.

HWB 4-49a

Experiences and Outcomes


Intimate Images and Consent

I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.

HWB 3-46c/HWB 4-46c

I know where to get support and help with situations involving abuse and I understand that there are laws which protect me from different kinds of abuse.

HWB 3-49b/HWB 4-49b

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to challenge stereotypical images in the media, including social media, for example, confidence, judgement.

HWB 3-46c

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to manage challenging situations within relationships, including sexual relationships, for example, compromise, empathy, decisiveness.

HWB 4-46c

  • Identifies how to take action in a situation involving abusive or inappropriate sexual behaviour, for example, ending unhealthy relationships, local support, police.

HWB 3-49b

  • Demonstrates an understanding of support available and current legislation related to a range of types of abuse, for example, female genital mutilation, domestic abuse, grooming, child sexual exploitation.

HWB 4-49b

Experiences and Outcomes


The Law and Consent

I know that the use of alcohol and drugs can affect behaviour and the decisions that people make about relationships and sexual health.

HWB 3-41b

I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.

HWB 3-46c/HWB 4-46c

I know where to get support and help with situations involving abuse and I understand that there are laws which protect me from different kinds of abuse.

HWB 3-49b/HWB 4-49b

  • Explains how substance misuse can affect judgement and impair ability to make responsible decisions, for example, unwanted sexual experiences.

HWB 3-41b

  • Explains the impact and potential consequences substance misuse can have on decision making, for example, drinking and driving, non-consensual sex.

HWB 4-41b

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to challenge stereotypical images in the media, including social media, for example, confidence, judgement.

HWB 3-46c

  • Demonstrates the skills needed to manage challenging situations within relationships, including sexual relationships, for example, compromise, empathy, decisiveness.

HWB 4-46c

  • Identifies how to take action in a situation involving abusive or inappropriate sexual behaviour, for example, ending unhealthy relationships, local support, police.

HWB 3-49b

Demonstrates an understanding of support available and current legislation related to a range of types of abuse, for example, female genital mutilation, domestic abuse, grooming, child sexual exploitation.

HWB 4-49b

Experiences and Outcomes


Protecting yourself from STIs and unintended pregnancy

I know how to access services, information and support if my sexual health and wellbeing is at risk. I am aware of my rights in relation to sexual health including my right to confidentiality, and my responsibilities, including those under the law.

HWB 3-48a/HWB 4-48a

  • Knows how to access confidential information, guidance and help.

HWB 3-48a

  • Gives examples of laws in relation to sexual health, for example, age of consent, right to confidentiality, consent, coercion, grooming.

HWB 3-48a

  • Understands the rights and responsibilities required for safe and enjoyable sex.

HWB 4-48a

  • Explains how to access both local and national information, guidance and help.

HWB 4-48a

The Health and Social Care Standards are based on the principles of dignity, respect, compassion, inclusion, responsive care and support and wellbeing. They are relevant to all health, social care and social work services and link to aims of the messages to support the wellbeing of our young people.

Relevant standards that relate to the messages include:

2.18 I am supported to manage my relationships with my family, friends or partner in a way that suits my wellbeing.

2.25 I am helped to understand the impact and consequences of risky and unsafe behaviour and decisions.

2.26 I know how different organisations can support my health and wellbeing and I am helped to contact them if I wish.

3.1 I experience people speaking and listening to me in a way that is courteous and respectful with my care and support being the main focus of people’s attention.

3.3 As a child or young person, I am helped to develop a positive view of myself and to form and sustain trusting and secure relationships.

4.11 I experience high quality care and support based on relevant evidence, guidance and best practice.

4.27 I experience high quality care and support because people have the necessary information and resources.



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