
Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2009

Annual publication containing summary of key statistics on environmental trends in Scotland


1) PM 10 concentrations are measured at 51 automatic monitoring sites in Scotland. In 2008, 39 of these sites had capture rates of 75% or more - data for these sites is available on the Scottish Air Quality website
2) In 2003 the data capture rate for Edinburgh Centre was low (under 75%). The 2003 data for Edinburgh is therefore unreliable and will not be included in any charts or tables. The 2003 results for Edinburgh are: PM 10: mean=25, NO2: mean=50. The site stopped recording on the 13th of October and the monitor was then relocated to an urban background site at Edinburgh St Leonards, which started recording on 24 November 2003.
3) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Environmental Statistics website:
4) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Scottish Executive, Welsh Assembly Government & DOE Northern Ireland (2003). The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: Addendum.
5) Concentrations of nitrogen oxides are measured at 57 automatic monitoring sites in Scotland. In 2008, 50 of these sites had a capture rate of at least 75% - data for these sites can be found on the Scottish Air Quality website.
6) In 2003, the data capture rate for nitrogen dioxide concentrations in Glasgow Centre was low (under 50%), it will therefore be excluded from the table and chart. The 2003 result for Glasgow is: annual mean=39.
7) Ozone concentrations are measured at 10 sites: Aberdeen (an urban background site), Auchencorth Moss (a rural site), Bush Estate (a rural site), Edinburgh St Leonards (an urban background site), Eskdalemuir (a rural site), Fort William (a suburban site), Glasgow Centre (an urban centre site), Glasgow Waulkmillglen Reservoir (a rural site), Lerwick (a rural site) and Strath Vaich (a remote site).
8) Large combustion plants have a rated thermal output of over 50 megawatts.
9) One minor site had not yet reported it's emissions at the time of publication, they have been substituted with emissions from the previous year.
10) 3-year average deposition is used to reduce substantial year to year variability. Deposition data for 1995-97 to 1999-01 are based on the same methodology. Data for 2001-2003 onwards also include nitric acid and those from 2002-2004 onwards include aerosols.

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