
Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2009

Annual publication containing summary of key statistics on environmental trends in Scotland


1) 2008/09 data subject to Water Industry Commission confirmation.
2) Figures for raw water abstracted and treatment process losses and raw water mains losses are estimates.
3) Total leakage is the combination of customer supply side leakage and Scottish Water distribution network losses.
4) The target for Scottish Water is to keep working towards the Economic Level of Leakage. This is the point where it is more costly to repair a leak than the cost saving due to the value of the water leaking from the system.
5) Data is expressed as mg N/l. To convert to mg NO 3/l (nitrate), multiply by 62/14.
6) A set of around 200 sites, based on nitrate directive locations, was used. The percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
7) This applies to most European rivers though for some rivers up to 1 mg N/l is reported. European Environment Agency, 'Indicator Fact Sheet'. '( WEU02) Nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers'
8) In Aberdeen, Moray, Banff and Buchan, Strathmore, Fife Lothians and Borders, and Lower Nithsdale.
9) Under The Designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) Regulations 2002 and The Designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 and EC Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) Annex 1A(3).
10) Soluble reactive phosphorus was measured as µg P/l. To convert to µg PO 4/l (orthophosphate), multiply by 95/31.

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