
Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2009

Annual publication containing summary of key statistics on environmental trends in Scotland


1) 2008/09 data is provisional.
2) The BMW data for 2001-2007 are for financial years. To calculate the BMW in the years before 2003/2004, it has been assumed that 63% of the waste landfilled was biodegradable. A mass balance calculation, assuming 63% of waste arisings are biodegradable, has been used to provide the data from 2003/2004 onwards. Landfill Allowance Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2005
3) The total to landfill from all sources.
4) The definition of municipal waste has changed slightly over the time period in which this data has been collected.
5) The definition of municipal waste at present is all waste collected by or on behalf of local authorities, excluding road maintenance wastes and end-of-life vehicles, separately collected construction and demolition wastes and industrial waste.
6) The survey method changed from a survey of adults to a survey of households from the second quarter of 2003. The 2003 data used is from quarters 2, 3 and 4 only.
7) From 2007 this question was asked of three quarters of the sample. Previously, it was asked of all households. In previous years the question asked whether or not the household recycled each of four items (yes or no). In 2007 this was changed to how much (all/most/some/none) was recycled. The table shows those reporting recycling all, most or some of each item.
8) In 2007 there was a change to the items: 'glass bottles' became 'glass bottles and jars' and 'plastic' became 'plastic bottles'.
9) The Scottish Household Survey is a continuous cross-sectional survey based on a sample of the population in private residences in Scotland.
10) This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright 2009. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Scottish Government Licence number: 100020540 2009.

Due to OS licence conditions, you/your agent may only use this map for official business dealings with the Scottish Government. If you wish to use the map for other uses, you must first obtain a separate licence from OS.

Scottish Government GI Science & Analysis Team 2009, job4615db.

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