Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2012

This publication aims to provide an easily accessible reference document which offers information on a wide range of environmental topics. It covers key datasets on the state of the environment in Scotland, with an emphasis on the trends over time wherever possible.

Public Water Supplies - Water Abstracted and Supplied[1],[2],[3]: 2002/03-2011/12

Million litres per day (Ml/d)

Million litres per day (Ml/d)

For sustainable management of water resources, it is essential to meet consumers' demands and standards, whilst maintaining aquatic ecosystem health. Abstraction of water has impacts on geology, habitats, wildlife, biodiversity and recreational use of water resources. This is being managed by Scottish Water and Scottish Environment Protection Agency under the Water Resource Planning and River Basin Management Planning Processes.

Between 2002/03 and 2009/10, estimated raw water abstractions by Scottish Water decreased by 13% to 2,165 Ml/d. Between 2010/11-2011/12, the volume of raw water abstracted also decreased and was 2,021 Ml/d in 2011/12; however, this figure was calculated using a different methodology and there was a 16% reduction in treated water produced between 2002/03 and 2009/10. Between 2002/03 and 2011/12, domestic water consumption increased by 7%, whilst non domestic consumption reduced by 18%.

Using a top down estimation methodology, leakage is estimated by subtracting consumption and operational use from treated water produced. Using this method, in 2011/12 total leakage was 661 Ml/d. Reductions will provide benefits both to customers, by reducing the risk of drought impact, and to the environment, by reducing raw water abstraction.

Whilst raw water abstracted and treated water produced have both fallen since 2010/11, the difference (total losses) has increased, probably due, in part, to the difference in measurement period. Abstraction is measured over a calendar year, and would have included a period of high demand during the 'big freeze' in early 2011. This is not represented in the treated water produced which is measured over the financial year.

Source: Scottish Water / Metadata


Email: Sandy McPhee

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