
King's Printer for Scotland

The King's Printer for Scotland (KPS) is responsible for overseeing the publication of Scottish legislation, and for the management of Crown copyright in information we produce.

The KPS was established under section 92 of the Scotland Act 1998. The KPS was specified a non-ministerial office-holder and member of the staff of the Scottish Administration with effect from 1 July 1999.

These responsibilities were broadly restated, with some modifications, by the Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

The Scotland Act states that the office of King’s Printer for Scotland shall be held by the King’s Printer for Acts of Parliament. These offices are held by the Keeper of Public Records, the Chief Executive of The National Archives.  The functions of the KPS are carried out from within The National Archives.

The KPS reports to the Minister for Parliamentary Business and produces an annual report which sets out details of its costs and performance.

The KPS has produced a guide to information available through a publication scheme.

Scottish legislation and other legislation which affects Scotland can be found on

The default licence for the use and re-use of Crown copyright information is the Open Government Licence (OGL). Further information regarding Crown copyright and the OGL can be found on The National Archives website.

In addition to working with the Scottish Government, the KPS also has an agreement with the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. Under this agreement the KPS provides advice on matters relating to copyright and licensing of Scottish Parliamentary copyright material, and to investigate any infringements of Scottish Parliamentary copyright. Most Scottish Parliamentary copyright material can be re-used under the terms of the Open Scottish Parliament Licence.

Find more information on the Scottish Parliament website.




The King's Printer for Scotland
The Library
GD Bridge
Victoria Quay

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