
Scottish education system: knowledge utilisation study

A report on a study exploring how Scottish educational practitioners engage with research and the factors that support and hinder ability to make best of use of research evidence.

List of acronyms 

CAR: Collaborative Action Research

CLD: Community Learning and Development

CLPL: Career-long Professional Learning

EEF: Educational Endowment Foundation

EIS: Educational Institute of Scotland

ES: Education Scotland

FRH: Flexible Route to Headship

GTCS: General Teaching Council for Scotland

ITE: Initial Teacher Education

NQT: Newly Qualified Teachers

PEF: Pupil Equity Fund

RIC: Regional Improvement Collaborative

SCEL: Scottish College for Educational Leadership

SERA: Scottish Educational Research Association

SLT: Speech and Language Therapists

SQH: Scottish Qualification for Headship



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