Labour Market Statistics for Scotland by Ethnicity, January to December 2021
Information about ethnicity in the labour market from the Annual Population Survey January to December 2021.
Annex A: Economic Indicators by Detailed Ethnicity
When looking at detailed breakdowns of Scotland's labour market it is not always possible to publish estimates from the APS. This is due to small sample sizes affecting their robustness. As such, estimates for detailed ethnic groups use the 3-year pooled APS dataset for the period January 2019 to December 2021. In addition, we've grouped “unemployment” and “economic inactivity” as “out of work”. In these instances, we've also labelled “employment” as “in work”.
Between January 2019 to December 2021, the ethnic groups with the highest proportion of people (16 to 64 year olds) in work was estimated as:
- Polish at 85.9 per cent
- Irish at 84.3 per cent
- Other white (including Gypsy Traveller) at 80.4 per cent
- Other British at 74.6 per cent
- Scottish at 73.8 per cent
The ethnic groups with the lowest proportion of people in work was estimated as:
- Other ethnic group (including Arab) at 53.6 per cent
- Chinese at 55.6 per cent
- Pakistani at 56.3 per cent
- African, and Caribbean or Black at 61.0 per cent
- Other Asian (including Bangladeshi) at 62.5 per cent
Chart A1: Proportion of people aged 16 to 64 in and out of work by detailed ethnicity, Scotland, January 2019 to December 2021
Source: Annual Population Survey, 3-Year Pooled Data, January 2019 to December 2021, ONS
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Telephone: 0131 244 6773
Fax: 0300 244 1060
Labour Market Statistics
OCEAES: Economic Strategy and Policy
Scottish Government
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5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU
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