Labour Market Trends: August 2024

Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity trends, sourced from the Labour Force Survey for Scotland and the UK.

Labour market estimates for women and men

Table 2A: Labour market rates for women, Scotland and UK, April to June 2024

Statistic Headline rate Change on quarter Change on year
Employment in
Scotland [note 1]
71.6% 0.8 pp 0.2 pp
Employment in
the UK [note 1]
71.9% 0.3 pp 0.1 pp
Unemployment in
Scotland [note 2]
3.3% 0.3 pp [note 3] -0.5 pp
Unemployment in
the UK [note 2]
3.9% -0.2 pp 0.0 pp
Economic Inactivity in Scotland [note 1] 25.9% -1.1 pp 0.1 pp
Economic Inactivity in
the UK [note 1]
25.1% -0.2 pp -0.1 pp

Source: Labour Force Survey, seasonally adjusted, ONS
Note 1: Rates all women aged 16 to 64; denominator all women aged 16 to 64.

Note 2: Rates all women aged 16 and over; denominator all economically active women aged 16 and over.
Note 3: The unemployment rate estimate for women in Scotland in January to March 2024 are based on a small sample size and should be used with caution.
Note 4: 
pp refers to percentage point

Table 2B: Labour market levels for women, Scotland and UK, April to June 2024

Statistic Headline level Change on quarter Change on year
Employment in
Scotland [note 1]
1,300,000 31,000 16,000
Employment in
the UK [note 1]
16,109,000 120,000 122,000
in Scotland [note 1]
45,000 6,000 [note 3] -6,000
in the UK [note 1]
656,000 -31,000 1,000
Economic Inactivity in Scotland [note 2] 453,000 -20,000 1,000
Economic Inactivity in
the UK [note 2]
5,421,000 -35,000 0

Source: Labour Force Survey, seasonally adjusted, ONS
Note 1:
All persons aged 16 and over.
Note 2: All persons aged 16 to 64.
Note 3: The unemployment level estimate for women in Scotland in January to March 2024 are based on a small sample size and should be used with caution.
Note 4: Level estimates are rounded to the nearest thousand.

Table 3A: Labour market rates for men, Scotland and UK, April to June 2024

Statistic Headline rate Change on quarter Change on year
Employment in
Scotland [note 1]
75.3% -0.3 pp -0.8 pp
Employment in
the UK [note 1]
77.3% -0.2 pp -1.4 pp
Unemployment in
Scotland [note 2]
5.4% -0.3 pp 1.2 pp
Unemployment in
the UK [note 2]
4.4% -0.1 pp -0.1 pp
Economic Inactivity in Scotland [note 1] 20.2% 0.5 pp -0.2 pp
Economic Inactivity in
the UK [note 1]
19.1% 0.3 pp 1.6 pp

Source: Labour Force Survey, seasonally adjusted, ONS
Note 1: Rates all men aged 16 to 64; denominator all women aged 16 to 64.
Note 2: Rates all men aged 16 and over; denominator all economically active women aged 16 and over.
Note 3: pp refers to percentage point

Table 3B: Labour market levels for men, Scotland and UK, April to June 2024

Statistic Headline level Change on quarter Change on year
Employment in
Scotland [note 1]
1,339,000 -5,000 -4,000
Employment in
the UK [note 1]
16,984,000 -23,000 -192,000
in Scotland [note 1]
77,000 -5,000 17,000
in the UK [note 1]
779,000 -20,000 -26,000
Economic Inactivity in Scotland [note 2] 341,000 9,000 -4,000
Economic Inactivity in
the UK [note 2]
3,989,000 62,000 350,000

Source: Labour Force Survey, seasonally adjusted, ONS
Note 1: All persons aged 16 and over.
Note 2: All persons aged 16 to 64.
Note 3: Level estimates are rounded to the nearest thousand.


For enquiries about this publication please contact:

Labour Market Statistics,
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
Telephone: 0131 244 6773,

For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician

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