Labour Market Trends: September 2024

Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity trends, sourced from the Labour Force Survey for Scotland and the UK.

Economic Inactivity estimates

The economic inactivity rate for people aged 16 to 64 years in Scotland was 22.3 per cent in May to July 2024. This is 0.8 percentage points down over the quarter but 0.5 percentage points up over the year.

The UK economic inactivity rate was 21.9 per cent in May to July 2024. This is 0.3 percentage points down on the quarter but 0.3 percentage points up over the year.

Chart 10: Economic inactivity rates for Scotland and the UK have increased over the year

Economic inactivity rate for persons aged 16 to 64, Scotland and the UK, July-September 2022 to May-July 2024

Time series line chart showing estimated economic inactivity rates for Scotland and the United Kingdom as separate lines.

Source: Labour Force Survey, seasonally adjusted, ONS

Chart 11: Scotland had the 2nd lowest economic inactivity rate across the countries of the UK

Economic Inactivity rate and annual change for persons aged 16 to 64, UK countries, May-July 2024 compared to May-July 2023.

Horizontal bar chart showing the economic inactivity rate of UK countries. The bars, in order of decreasing inactivity rates are Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and England.

Source: Labour Force Survey, ONS
Note: Annual change shown in percentage points


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Labour Market Statistics,
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
Telephone: 0131 244 6773,

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Office of the Chief Statistician

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